12-18-2024  656 total excludes the 4 that served in the Metropolitian Police

As so often happens at least with me, the final revealed goal sometimes lags the effort.  With that said and based on many emails from MacTighernans around the world it is now the goal of this specific web site to list all MacTighernans that served in their countries military from the beginning to and including WW II.  It is meant as a tribute to the many McTernans / McTiernans who served and or gave their lives in the many wars for freedom.  Unless noted all listed are British, Australian, Canadian and New Zealand soldiers and sailors.  The American war records for many that served in the Great War and in WW II are woefully incomplete and those that exist are scattered over numerous web sites and as such are very difficult to find and include in this page.  The numerous American McTernans will be listed as soon as found.

If in the mean time you have a MacTighernan in your family that served in his country's Armed Services please send me his or her info. 

While I do have some WW II veterans included I am sure that list comes up short.   Yet with that said those WW II guys were the ones that saved civilization so any honoring of them is well deserved even though a bit incomplete. 

I have noted the DNA Group by the individual where known.  The references to the MacTighernan DNA study is at this web site  Please send me any info or photos on the MacTighernans that served and should be included in this web site.

From Paul-UK McTernan who is in the T3  DNA group.  Paul operates a travel service and a major part of his business is battlefield tour s. 

"Thank you for your very interesting email concerning the McTiernans in various Armed Forces. Clearly a lot of research has been done. My tour operating business has a tour programe dedicated to Battlefield Tours, primarily featuring The Great War and WW II. As a consequence I have an interest in the subjects but also visit the areas particularly in N. France and Belgium.  You and the other MacTighernains may be interested to look at our website where all of our Battlefield Tours are featured.

As a former Marine this is my only commercial.  One of the best I have heard for a tribute to the US Marines and all servicemen and woman who have served

In Flander's Fields song

The earliest noted McTernan being involved with a dispute with the English crown was dealing with  Bernard O'Rwerch who on 9-1-1542 indentures himself to King Henry VIII where McTernan was listed as a character  reference

The Leitrim Wars of the undertakers vs. The O'Ruairc   1

1. Mulmory MacTernan, --1642,  is listed as a lesser grantee during the James I Plantation effort in Leitrim. In 1641, Mulmory MacTernan of Lisnanorrus, Inishmagrath, Barony of Drumahaire, Co Leitrim, chief of the clan, was a resident justice of the peace for Co Leitrim.  In February 1642, Sir Frederick Hamilton, [ namesake for the town of Manorhamilton] sent a force of 80 horse and foot to relieve the protestants at Parke Castle. On their return to Sir Frederick's castle they were attacked by 1000 Irish rebels.  After a fierce battle the English won and killed 60 of the rebels.  Mulmory MacTernan was one of the 60 killed.

The Irish Rebellion of 1798   1

1. Roger McTiernan, one of three rebels arrested near Drumkeeran for helping the French.  Roger was charged with having a gun on his person.  No details survive but the other 2 rebels were hung.

Background:  The Irish Rebellion of 1798 comprised a scattered series of local uprisings and desperate incursions that, tragically for the Irish rebels, failed to cohere.  In Leitrim, the spirit of rebellion peaked in 1795 - three years before General Humbert's French troops and the local Irish allies marched almost the full length of the county, with the government's superior force [led by the famous General Cornwallis who surrendered to GW's forces at Yorktown in 1781]  in pursuit, towards their eventual defeat just over the Co. Longford border at Ballinamuck. 

Co Leitrim was shaken by violent Defender disturbances 1793 and 1795, culminating in the battle of Drumcollop which brought Co Leitrim to a state of insurrection.  But Leitrim had risen too early, and the government's suppression of the Defenders and, later, the United Irishmen, was brutally effective.

The War of 1812, 1812-1815    6

1. Inspector General James McTernans, 1790--11-26-1873, of the Rockfield McTernans a British naval surgeon who was in the squadron which protected St. Helena during the residence there of Napoleon, and was present on that island at the death of that distinguished, but unfortunate monarch in 1821. James was also the surgeon on a British warship in the Chesapeake Bay in the War of 1812.  He also was the surgeon on the convict ship Sarah  and Sir Charles Forbes on their trips from England out to Australia. In historical documents the Rockfield McTernans and the Heapstown McTernans [ Rory's line in the T group baseline ] are called kinsmen.   James was the uncle of Constantine below under the British Army List.   On 8-1-1809, James was appointed Inspectorate of Hospitals.  Brother to Patrick below.

2.  Patrick McTenran, c 1793--1838, the 2nd son of Constantine McTernan and Mary Brady also qualified as a surgeon and for 20 years would voyage to Australia on convict ships one of which was the Dunvegan Castle  convict ship.  Brother to James above.

3. Dudy McTiernan, 1801--, born in Cloncar Marshamulton, Co. Mayo, may well be Glencar, Manorhamilton, Co. Leitrim. He had served 18 years 8 months with the 40th Regiment of Foot.  The residence date is 6-18-1928 in the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, off the Regimental Register of Pensioners  He was a laborer.  The complaint was dislocation of angle joint and fracture of small bones in the left leg.

4. Jas McTiernan, Veterans Battalion, residence date is 1814 in the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, off the Regimental Register of Pensioners

5.  Pvt. Barney McTernan, muster in on 12-25-1812 and mustered out on 3-24-1813 in the 57th Regiment of Foot, 1st Battalion, Piece number 6645 in Roncesvalles, Spain  on the border with France.  Sent to England in 8-1823 for recovery.  May have been involved with the Napeoleon invasion of Spain.

6.   Surgeon James McTernan, received the Naval General Service Medal and served on HMS Northumberland.  This is most likely one of Rory MacTiernan [ T DNA Group ] ancestors and part of the Heapstown, Co Sligo McTernans.

Young Irelander Rebellion of 1848   4
The William Smith O'Brien Petition

1.   Hugh McTernan, event was in 1848. Dublin, Ireland

2.  James McTernan,
event was in 1848. Dublin, Ireland

3.  John McTernan,
event was in 1848. Longford, Ireland

4.  John McTiernan, event in 1848. Sligo, Ireland

British Army List 1850   3

1. First Lieutenant Constantine Lemon [Lernon]  Hotham McTernan, 1831--1864, India Station.  Is part of the Rockfield McTernan Family and is related to Rory's family who is in the T DNA Group. 

2. Pvt. Patrick McTiernan, --1861, service ID 91

3. Pvt. P. McTernan, enlisted in the 8th Hussars (The King's Royal Irish), service Id 532565.  Fought in the Napoleonic Wars and in Iraq.  Also in The Great War.

The Crimean War, 1853-1856   8

1. Pvt.  Patrick McTiernan, --2-1858,  served in the 34th Foot (Cumberland Regiment) service ID 3755.  Patrick was slightly wounded on 9-8-1855 in the final attack on the Redan in the Crimean War and also served in the Indian Mutiny of 1857.   Awarded the Indian Mutiny Medal: The Indian Mutiny Medal was a campaign medal approved in 1858, for issue to officers and men of British and Indian units who served in operations in suppression of the Indian Mutiny. He died along the Gangis River in February 1858.  His Army records state that he was from Co Leitrim and his wife's name was Jane.

2. Pvt. James  McTernan, 62nd Foot [Wiltshire], service ID 34, town of residence Halifax, NS, Canada, taken from UK census data dated 4-8-1861.  James is listed as beling in the Crimea War.

3. Pvt. John McTiernan, English war records event in 1861 in the 1st Battalion, 17th Foot, and in the 14th Regt. soldier ID 3357.  John is listed as beling in the Crimea War.

4. Sergeant Patrick McTiernan,  joined the Prince of Wales Leinster Regiment, in event year 1857 was in the 100th [Cumberand Regt.] & 109th Foot. service ID 3193 & 91  series WO97.  Patrick was in the Great War, Boar War and Indian Mutiny also.  May be the same individual listed  as 46. under England's Vets for the Great War and 31. under Victoria's Wars

5. Corporal James Thomas McTernan,  was in England's service about 1861 in the 91st (Princess Louise's Argyllshire Highlanders) Regiment of Foot, service ID 3793 in Kamptee (E.I)  India and the Princess Louise's .  James was also in the Indian Mutiny

6. Sapper John McTernan, was in England's service about 1861 in the 22nd Co Royal Engineers,  service ID  2130 and 2430,  Sapper John's duty locations were Colville Washington State in NW America and stationed at Chatham & Oregon which I think is also in the NW United States and may be part of the San Juan Islands. Saper John was in the N American Boundary Detachment Royal Engineers  also and may have been involved in the infamous Pig War with England that went on for 10 years.  The Pig War started over a boundary dispute between the US and Canada on the  boarder.  At the time England owned Canada.  Half the island was British and the other was American.  Somehow somebody shot an American settler's pig. So now everybody grabs rifles and starts shooting.  The British sent troops and we sent troops to protect each other.  Everybody dug in and would fire at each other 6 days a week.  On Sunday a truce was called and everybody went to church and then had an after church barbecue together with a few pints of beer.  Late in the day everyone stumbled on home.  Monday morning both sides picked up rifles and started shooting again.  This went on for years.  If I rememebr my history the dispute finally went to international arbitration with Kaiser Wilhelm of Sarajevo fame making the final decision, hence the northern border between Canada and the US is so straight like someone just drew a quick line on a map.  Sapper John McTernan was attached to the N. American Boundary Detachment and served in the Boer War also.

7. Pvt. John McTernan, was in England's service about 1861.  service ID 582    John was in the Boar War and in the 91st Foot (Argyllshire) Reg. and served in the Crimea War also.

8. Pvt. Martin McTernan, 1835--, born in Killargy, Co Leitrim, Ireland and served in the British Army,  Argyll and Southerland Highlanders Reg. 91st (Princess Louise's Argyllshire Highlanders) Regiment of Foot in Kamptee (E.I.) India and 93rd Foot, Aldershot, Hampshire County, service ID 3399, series WO121.  Martin served in the Crimea war also.

The Indian Mutiny, 1857-1859   10

0. Pvt.  Patrick McTiernan, --2-1858,  listed above in the Crimean War

1. Pvt. John McTiernan, --6-3-1876, Private in the 88th Foot (1st Cannaught Rangers) service ID  4893 fought in the Indian Mutiny of 1857 in the battle of Central India and awarded the Indian Mutiny Medal.  Central India battle: January - June 1858. Awarded to all those who served under Major-General Sir Hugh Rose in actions against Jhansi, Kalpi, and Gwalior. Also awarded to those who served with Major-General Roberts in the Rajputana Field Force and Major-General Whitlock of the Madras Column, between January and June 1858.

2.  Pvt. John McTernon,  record year is 1871, served in the 2nd Battalion 19th (1st Yorkshire, North Riding) Regiment of Foot, service ID 2006, duty location: Calcutta India.

3. Pvt. Patrick McTiernan, 34th Foot (Cumberland), received the Indian Mutiny Medal as listed in number 1. under the Crimean War above.

4.  Sgt. Patrick McTiernan, c. 1861--1-5-1903, born in Sharmon Harbow, King's Co, Ireland was a soldier in the British Army, 3rd Leinster Regt of Foot, Reg number 3193, service ID 5784 serving in India who married about 1894 a girl named Susan, 1865--1929, born in Co Tipperary and died in Co Offaly [Kings].  They had 2 children, Eveleen McTiernan 1897--, born in Co Tipperary and Patrick Larsfield McTiernan, 2-25-1895--, born in Colaba, St. Joseph, Bombay India. In 1901 the family was living at 4  Melsop St in Birr, Co Offaly [Kings County].  In 1903, according to Patrick's will Susan was living in the townland of Birr, Co Offaly. In the 1911 census they lived on 28 Eden St in Birr Urban, Co Offaly.  Sgt. Patrick had a deceased brother named James McTiernan, --11-1900, who died in the Boar War in South Africa.  In the 1911 census  Susan is listed as a widow.  She and both kids were living at 28 Eden St., Birr Urban, Kings county which is where Patrick passed on to his reward.  Co. Kings = Co Offaly

5. Jane Aloysiua McTernan, 1888--1888, born  in Calcutta Station, Bengal, India.  Her father would have been a British soldier

6.  Thomas McTiernan, 1883--1893, died at 10 years old at the Army Station of Mount Abu which is a popular hill station in the Aravalli Range in Sirohi district of Rajasthan state in western India near the border with Gujarat, a state in the western part of India.  There is no mention of his parents in the records. Most likely the sibling of Bernadette below.

7. Bernardette McTiernan, 1890--1893, most likely the sister of Thomas above.  Died at the Army Station of Mount Abu which is a popular hill station in the Aravalli Range in Sirohi district of Rajasthan state in western India near the border with Gujarat, a state in the western part of India..  There is no mention of her parents in the records.  Most likely the sibling of Thomas above.

8. Sgt. Henry McTernon, service in 1841 in the 50th Foot, service ID 566 was at sea and in Calcutta. Henry was married in 1842 in Cawnpore, Bengal.  His wife's surname was Carroll.  At Royal Chelesa hospital between 1842 and 1883.

9.  Pvt. John McTernon, service in 5-12-1841 in the 59th Foot, at the Depot, service ID 236, from service Coys stationed at Templemore, Cork & Jersey.

10.  Horace McTernan, 1885-1886, was held for a time in the Black Hole of Calcutta.  The Black Hole of Calcutta was a small dungeon in Fort William, St. Patrick in Bengal, India where troops of Siraj ud-Daulah, the Nawab of Bengal, held British prisoners of war [soldiers and civilians] after the Bengali Army captured the fort on 6-20-1856.

Victorian & other Small Wars   37

1. Pvt. John McTiernan, Nationality British, service to date 1872, 60th Rifles, British Army

2.  Pvt. Michael McTernan, 1847--, born in Ireland and enlisted in the US Army on 11-24-1874.   Saw service in the 88th Regiment on 8-20-1880.

3.  Pvt. John McTiernan, Royal Canadian Rifles, ID 25647. Saw action in the 1866 Finnian Raids which in history is when the NYC Irish had one or two many pints and tried to invade Canada to leverage England to get out of Ireland.  Not 100% clear which side John was on.

4. Captain Constantine Lernon Hotham McTernan, 1831--1864,  was in the Royal Artillery and is buried in the family vault at Brockley Cemetery, Parish of Lewisham, County of Kent in England .  Cpt. McTernan descends from the McTernans of Rockfield, in Co Leitrim and is related to the T DNA Group baseline.

5, Capt. Hugh C. McTernan,  born in Co Leitrim, in or about 1878 Hugh joined the Infantry Militia Battalions in Co Leitrim.

6. Charles McTiernan, in service out of Allegheny, PA at 3 Antrini St.  Most likely US Army.

7. Sergeant Samuel B. McTarnahan, --6-30-1908, in the US Army Calvary Station in California,

8. James F. McTiernan, --4-10-1914, US Army, NARA pub ID M850, NARA roll 1471, involved in the War with Spain in the Spanish American War.  

9.  Pvt. James F. McTiernan, --9-8-1898, in 1898 fought in the Spanish - American War in Co. G, 9th Massachusetts Infantry.  James is buried in St. John's cemetery in Worcester, Massachusetts

10. Pvt. James McTiernan, mustered in Aug. 5, 1885 to the United States Marine Corps and stationed in Boston, MA Walbash, Navy Yard.

11. Pvt Gerald McTernan, USMC in 1885 stationed at Marine Barracks Annapolis, MD

12.  Pvt. Ts McTernan, around 1871, 1st Battalion 9th (East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot, service ID 1017  station in Dubin, Ireland

13.  Pvt. James McTernan. in 1841 served in the 64th Foot, Depot, service ID 1855  at Limerick & Templemore, Co Limerick, Ireland,

14. Jno. McTernan, from Rose?, enlisted on 6-25-1873, discharged 6-19-1874.  Was in the 60th Foot and in Chelsia Hospital before 1876.

15. Jas. McTiernan, --1875, British Army service record years of 1865 to 1875

16.  J.T. McTernan, 1856--, while born in Walpole, MA but enlisted from Boston, MA  in the US Navy.  He was 5'  6 1/2" tall with blue eyes, brown hair and light skin.  He returned 7-28-1877

17.  Pvt. James McTernan, 1828--, born in Pennsylvania, a farmer and was 21 when he enlisted in the US Army on 5-18-1849.

18.  John T. McTernan, 1856--, born in Walpole, MA.  At 21 enlisted in the US Navy in Boston, MA in 1877.

19. Thomas McTernan, 1858-- [1857--], born in
Foxboro, MA on 8-27-1885 signed a 3 year enlistment in Boston, MA  in the US Navy. 

20.  McTiernan, in a letter to General Sherman dated 11-27-1878 when Sherman was in charge of the Indian situation out West, a McTiernan was mentioned as being a good friend of the Indian Chiefs.

21. 2nd Lieutenant Frank J. McTernan, on 7-9-1880 held a commission in F Company, 8th Regiment of the NY National Guard but then resigned on 6-30-1881.  In 6-30-1881 he was with the 8th Reg., 3rd Brigade, 1st Division.  Frank lived at 232 East 26th St., NY, NY

22.  Pvt. S. P. McTernan, Company A, 69th Regiment in 1889 completed with a passing grade on the rifle range.  I think this is the Irish Brigade known as the fighting 69th out of NY and Philadelphia.

23.  James McTernan, listed on the British Naval Rolls in 1831.

24. Constance Margaret McTernan, listed in the British Army records from 1859 to 1888 and was in the Royal Garrison Artillery and listed in the Royal Chelsea Hospital books from 1702 to 1876.

25.  Louisa Mary McTernan, --1871, listed in the British Army Service records

26. Edward McTiernan, served in the 50th Foot and was in the Chelsea Hospital between 1842 and 1883.

27. Dr. Patrick McTernan, doctor of medicine and surgeon of the Royal Navy, c. 1834 or before.  Most likely part of the Rockfield McTernan family and the ship's surgeon on the convict ships to Australia

28. James McTiernan, mustered in to the British Army's 4th Foot and discharged on 9-27-1814.

29.  Sergeant Jas [or John] McTiernan, in 1891 [or 1885] enlisted in the Canadian 74th Regiment, New Brunswick Rangers.  Was a Pvt. in 1885.

30. C. McTiernan, is Sligo Artillery, Regt. number 1042 charged with desertion on 2-20-1900

31.  Sgt Patrick McTiernan, c. 1861--,  born in Shannon Harbour, Kings Co. was discharged from the British Army on 2-24-1898. He served in the Leinster 1 Bn and his ID was 3193 the same as 4. listed under the Crimean War and 46. listed under England's Vets in the Great War.

32.  John McTiernan, c. 1848--, enlisted in the US Army in 1871.

Chas. McTiernan, in the British Navy and was court marshalled on 10-16-1845 in Gosport.  He was with the 74th Regt.

34. John McTernan, 1844--, born in Ireland he joined the US Army about 1866.

35.  Corp./Pvt. James J. McTernan, c. 1869--, born in Providence, RI but lived in NYC when he enlisted on 5-2-1898 in NYC in Company K, 12th New York Infantry, a volunteer soldier who fought in the Spanish American War.  Went in a corporal and came out a privite due to being absent without leave a lot. In 1916 filed for a pension.  James was 5'5.5" tall with blue eyes and brown hair and fair complexion.   His occupation was bartender.  His wife was named Catherine and they lived at 116 W. 63rd St., NYC.  Records due state that he served honorably and faithfully in Cuba and deserved 2 months extra pay.

36. Pvt. James McTernan, 1884--, at 30 years old he enlisted in Company D, 69th Regiment  on 8-1-1914 in NYC.

37.  A. M. McTernan, in 1882 was part of the Ireland American Fenian Brotherhood

The U.S. War with Mexico, 1847   2

1.  Martin McTernan, 1825--, born in Ireland and enlisted in the US Army on 4-9-1847 and served during the War with Mexico.  He was a laborer from Boston, MA.

2. Martin McTernan, 1827 [26]--, born in Sligo, Ireland or Co Leitrim.  Enlisted in the US Army on 9-10-1847 or on 2-3-1852 in New York.  He was 5' 8 1/4" or 5' 9" tall with hazel eyes, brown hair and ruddy complexion.  He was a laborer.

The U. S. Civil War Era, 1860-1865   26

1. Pvt. Patrick McTiernan, 1818--, lived in and registered in Mamaroneck, NY and enlisted in Mamaroneck where he lived on 9-15-1862.  Mustered out on 12-4-1862.  Transferred to Company M, New York 6th Heavy Artillery Regiment on 12-4-1862.

2.  Patrick J. McTirnan, in US Army Infantry.  Applied for a pension in PA on 8-23-1884 and his widow Margaret did same in NY on 4-25-1908.  Remarks see Indian Wars widow.

3  Pvt. P McTiernan, in the Confederate Army Company D of 5th Regiment, South Carolina Cavalry (Ferguson's)

4. John McTernan, 1841--, born in Ireland and enlisted in US Army on 2-25-1867.

5.  John McTernan, 1844--, born in Ireland and enlistment date is 2-7-1866 in US Army.

6.  Pvt. John McTiernan, enlisted on 2-27-1864 in the Union Army in Company L, 4th Regiment, Pennsylvania Cavalry (64th Volunteers) and was mustered out on 7-1-1865 at Lynchburg, VA.

7.  Pvt. John McTernan, 1833--, born in Ireland but from San Francisco, California and on 2-11-1864 enlisted in Company D, 1st Batt'n., California Mountaineers (Infantry) in the Union Army and was mustered out on 5-20-1865.

8.  John McTernan, 1832--, was mustered into the Company M, 2nd Regt. Calvery in the Union Army in San Francisco, California on 2-12-1864

9. Irhin McTernan, 1833--, born in Ireland and his residence was Orient, NY when he enlisted in the UNION Army  c. 1863.

10.  Capt. D. C. McTernan, as of 4-24-1862 was stationed in New Mexico.

11.  Pvt. Charles McTiernan, c. 1842--1911, in the Union Army on the 1898 US Ohio pension rolls and listed on the disabled soldier list in Dayton, OH.  Enlisted in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on 8-6-1862 in Company C, Pennsylvania 123rd Infantry Regiment on 8-7-1862.  Mustered out on 5-13-1863 at Harrisburg, PA.

12. Cornelius McTiernan, 1839--, born in the U.S. and enlisted in the US Navy in New York, NY on 11-1863 at the age of 24.  He was a laborer He had a dark complexion, dark hair and hazel eyes.  He was 5'4" tall and had a scar on his right cheek.  In 1882, was part of the Ireland American Fenian Brotherhood.

13.  Frank McTiernan, pension request on 9-28-1903 filed in NY.  He was listed as a soldier but also as being in the Work Corps. USA

14. James McTiernan, --<1862, served in the 82nd NY Infantry.  James' widow Margaret filled for his pension on 11-28-1862.

15. James F. McTiernan, listed as a soldier and asked for a pension on 9-29-1898 in the state of MA after serving in the Gq Mass Infantry

16.  James McTiernan, in the Mass. Infantry and his widow Roseanna filed for his penson as a widow on 10-5-1868.

17.  Pvt. James McTiernan, 1828--8-12-1862, enlisted in Company G, New York 82nd Infantry Regiment on 6-1-1861. Mustered out on 8-12-1862 at Annapolis, MD.  Was kept in a Confederate prisoner of war camp in Manassas, VA where he took sick.. He died in General Hospital in Annapolis, MD of his illness.

18.  Pvt. James McTiernan, 1821--, from Massachusetts where he made a living as a Teamster.  Enlisted in Company E, Massachusetts 25th Infantry Regiment on  9-18-1861. Mustered out on 8-28-1862 at New Berne, NC.   Enlisted in Company D, Massachusetts 4th Heavy Artillery Regiment on 8-18-1864.  Mustered out on 6-17-1865 at Fort Richardson, VA.

19.  Pvt. James McTiernan, Company G, 82nd Regiment, New York Infantry in the Unionn Army

20. Soldier James J. McTernan, filed for pension
benefits in NY

21.  Pvt.  James H. McTiernan, enlisted on 8-20-1864 in Pennsylvania in Company U, Pennsylvania 3rd Cavalry Regiment on 20 Aug 1864 and also Company M, 5th Pennsylvania Cavalry (65th Volunteers). Mustered out on 28 May 1865.  May be same as below

22.  Cpl. James H McTiernan, enlisted on 8-17-1861 in Company G, Pennsylvania 3rd Cavalry Regiment. Promoted to Full Com Sergeant on 5-18-1862.  Mustered out on 5-18-1862.Transferred to the Pennsylvania 3rd Cavalry Regiment on 5-18-1862.  May be same as above

23.  James McTernan, 1828--, born in Pennsylvania and at 21 enlisted in the Union Army on 5-18-1849.  He had blue eyes, brown hair and fair complexion and was 5' 7" tall

24.  Sgt. James McTiernan, in G PA Cavalry.and  on 10-5-1886 applied for a pension as an invalid.

25. Gerald McTernan, c. 1822--, born in Ireland and living in Brooklyn, NY when he enlosted in the Union Army.  His occupation was a liquorer.

26. Martin McTernan, c. 1825--, born in Ireland.  Enlisted in the US Army at the age of 22.

Other small Wars   26

1.  John McTiernan, 1849--, born in Pittsburgh, PA and was a laborer.  John enlisted in the US Army on 1-24-1872,  He was 5'7" and had blue eyes, brown hair with a fair complexion.  He was discharged on in January of 1877.

2.  John McTiernan, 1846--, born in Pennsylvania.  John enlisted in the US Army on 3-2-1867

3.  John McTiernan, 1885--, born in Portland, ME enlisted in the US Army on 1-13-1907.  Occupation was mill operator.  John was 5'7" and had blue eyes and fair skin.   Discharged 4-21-1908 at Fort Sheridan, Illinois

4. Patrick J. McTiernan, 1855--, born in Co Leitrim Ireland and was a laborer.  He enlisted in the US Army on 12-10-1877, may have been in the 20th Infantry.  He was 5' 6 1/2", with hazel eyes, light hair and fair complexion.  Discharged 12-9-1882 at Fort Leavenworth, KS

5.  Pvt. Thomas McTiernan of the 22nd Reg. of NY Militia was declared an expert marksman in 1896.

6. Seaman Thomas McTernan, enlisted in the US Navy as an Ordinary Seaman on 8-27-1885.  Thomas was from Boston, MA. and made $ 19 a month.

7. Cornelius McTernan, 1824--, enlisted in the US Army in 1848.

8.  Michael McTernan, served in the Connaught Rangers, WO 86/41 and was court martialed on Malta on 6-8-1892. 

9.  Thomas McTernan, 1872--, born in Rynagh, Banagher, Co. Offaly [Kings Co], Ireland

10. Charles McTiernan, --1911, pension records US Army

11. Charles McTiernan. c. 1871--, born in St Johns Seyo enlisted in 1889 at 18 to serve in Royal Mili?, Reg number I. F/3391

12. Able Seaman James McTernan, served on HMS Briton in 1884.

13. Pvt. James McTiernan, enlisted into the USMC on 8-5-1885 stationed in Usrs Wabash Navy Yard, Bostom

14. Pvt. James McTiernan, enlisted in the US Army on 8-5-1885 and was stationed in Boston, MA

15. Michael McTernan, c. 1847--, born in Ireland and enlisted in the US Army in 1874.

16.  John McTiernan, US Army Regular 5th Infantry within 1870 to 1879.

17. Michael McTiernan, 1884--,  born in Hoyland, Yorkshire, England.  British Army, in the 8th York Corps. Family lived at 50 Thomas St. in Rotherham,  service ID 13363.  Michael had one year of high school and was 5'4" tall, 122 lbs. with blue eyes and black hair.   His father was Michael, his mother was Mary and 3 brothers, John, Joe & William and a sister, Maggie

18.  Pvt. Jn McTiernan, served in the Royal Canadian Rifles, Regt number 1433, service dates 1866-1870 in Canada

19. John McTernan, British regt. 145 By R FA, was court marshalled on 6-26-1909 at Newbrige Camp.

20.  Bryan McTernan, c. 1830--, was in the Sligo Rifles, Regt. number 2164.  Deserted on 6-5-1871 in Sligo. 

Pvt. Gorald [Gerald] McTernan, enlisted in the USMC on  12-17-1884 and was stationed at Marine BarracksWashington, DC and then to Marine Barricks, Annapolis, MD.

22. James J McTernan, 1867--,  born in Philadelphia, PA he enlisted in NYC on 5-2-1898 in Co K, 12th NY Regt. and was discharged on 4-25-1899 in NYC.  He was a veteran of the war with Spain [Spanish American War],   He was admitted to homes for disabled veteran in 1916 at the Roseburg Branch, Hampton, VA.  He was 5'5" tall with blue eyes and brown hair.  He was a laborer.  The NOK was his mother, Mrs. F. McTernan living in Washington, DC.

23. Capt. or Cpl. James McTernan, 1900--, in the Irish Army at 22 years of age in 1922.  From Co Roscommon and his next of kin was John McTernan from Co. Roscommon.

Lieutenant H. C. McTernan, in 1882 was listed in the 8th Battalion. in the British Army.

25.  John McTernan, c. 1841--, born in Ireland he enlisted in the US Army in 1867. 

26. John McTiernan, in 1876 joined the Ireland American Fenian Brotherhood.

The Spanish-American War, 1898  1

1.  Francis McTiernan, the grandfather of Ed (NJ) and Michael-MH in the T3c DNA group.  Francis served in the Phillippines during this 1 month war.

The Boer Wars, 1899-1902   23

1. Pvt.  L. McTernan, 19th Company, Imperial Yeomanry Company (Lothian), 6th (Scottish) Battalion, service ID: 24853.  Was most likely from Scotland. Discharged Medically unfit, 10-7-1901.  The Queen's South Africa (QSA) Medal Clasps: Cape Colony, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902

2. Pvt. Lawrence McTernan, the National Archives WO128. Imperial Yeomanry, Soldiers' Documents, South African War, did not deploy.  Service ID 39867

The Imperial Yeomanry was a British volunteer cavalry regiment that mainly saw action during the Second Boer War. Officially created on 24 December 1899, the regiment was based on members of standing Yeomanry regiments, but also contained a large contingent of mid-upper class English volunteers. In Ireland 120 men were recruited in February 1900. It was officially disbanded in 1908.

On 13 December 1899, the decision to allow volunteer forces serve in the Second Boer War was made. Due to the string of defeats during Black Week in December, 1899, the British government realized they were going to need more troops than just the regular Army, thus issuing a Royal Warrant on 24 December 1899. This warrant officially created the Imperial Yeomanry.

The Royal Warrant asked standing Yeomanry regiments to provide service companies of approximately 115 men each. In addition to this, many British citizens (usually mid-upper class) volunteered to join the new regiment. Although there were strict requirements, many volunteers were accepted with substandard horsemanship/marksmanship; however, they had significant time to train while awaiting transport.

The first contingent of recruits contained 550 officers, 10371 men with 20 battalions and four companies, which arrived in South Africa between February and April, 1900. Upon arrival, the regiment was sent throughout the zone of operations.

3.  Lance Cpl. J. McTiernan, in 1900 served in the infantry with the Leicestershire Regt

4. Pvt.  J. McTiernan,   served from 1899 to 1902 in South Africa in the Second Boer War with the 1st Battalion Royal Fusiliers (Princess Victoria's) Battalion, service ID: 5103 in 1902.

5.  Pvt. John Michael McTiernan, number 5 under the English section under The Great War.  John also had been active in the British Army in The Great War receiving several medals for his heroism.

6. Trooper Henry James MacTernan, 1876--1962, the son of Capt. Hugh Connell MacTernan born in Ennis, Co Clare according to war records. May be listed in records with the initial W. Henry joined the Imperial Yeomanry [ South Irish Horse Dublin ], 61st Company, 17th Battalion in 1900 and saw service in South Africa. Service ID 11189.  Henry received the Queen's South Africa Medal (QSA). The medal on left was awarded to Henry for his service [in 4 campaigns] in the British Army in Africa during the Boer War. It was a bar per campaign. Henry hated the war- He apparently was horrified that they were shooting Boers who were only armed with pitchforks. Henry's son, Hugh Murrough MacTienan and his family immigrated to Australia from Heapstown, Co Sligo in the late 1930s.  Henry is in the T DNA Group baseline due to his grandson, Rory's doing the test.  

7. Corporal James Thomas McTernan,  was in England's service about 1861.  91st (Princess Louise's Argyllshire Highlanders) Regiment of Foot, service ID 3793 in Kamptee (E.I)  India and the Princess Louise's .  James was also in the Crimean War.

8. Pvt. John McTernan, was in England's service about 1861, service ID 582    John was in the 91st Foot (Argyllshire) Reg and served in the Crimea War also.

9. Sapper John McTernan, was in England's service about 1861 in the 22nd Co Royal Engineers,  service ID  2130 and 2430,  Sapper John's duty locations Colville Washington State in NW America and stationed at Chatham & Oregon which I think is also in the NW United States and may be part of the San Juan Islands. Saper John was in the N American Boundary Detachment Royal Engineers  also and may have been involved in the infamous Pig War with England that went on for 10 years.  The Pig War started over a boundary dispute between the US and Canada on the  boarder.  At the time England owned Canada.  Half the island was British and the other was American.  Somehow somebody shot an American settler's pig. So now everybody grabs rifles and starts shooting.  The British sent troops and we sent troops to protect each other.  Everybody dug in and would fire at each other 6 days a week.  On Sunday a truce was called and everybody went to church and then had an after church barbecue together with a few pints of beer.  Late in the day everyone stumbled on home.  Monday morning both sides picked up rifles and started shooting again.  This went on for years.  If I remember my history the dispute finally went to international arbitration with Kaiser Wilhelm of Sarajevo fame making the final decision, hence the northern border between Canada and the US is so straight like someone just drew a quick line on a map.  Sapper John was attached to the N. American Boundary Detachment and served in the Crimea War also.

10. I. McTernan, years 1899--1902,

11. James McTiernan, --11-1900, who died in the Boar War in South Africa and the brother to Sgt. Patrick McTiernan listed in the Indian Mutiny from 1857 to 1858 in the .34th Regiment

12.  Pvt. James McTiernan, 1820--, born in Dunkern, Ennismackey parish, Co Leitrim, Ireland and joined the Royal Regiment of Veterans.  Series WO121

13.  Pvt. James McTiernan, 1861--, service ID 34.  Event? was in 1861

14. James S. McTiernan, 1879--, born in St. Andrews parish, Wakefield, Yorkshire, England.  Service ID 2626, WO96

15. Lance Corporal. James [M.] McTiernan, 6-15-1891--11-17-1900, 1 Prince of Wales's Leinster Regiment (Royal Canadians),   His first initial might have been J not M. Died of disease at Vrede (Official casualty roll location: Vrede, South Africa)  Regt. Service ID 3041.  His brother was Thomas and his sister was Mary Beth Petes

16. Patrick McTiernan, 1861-->1898, born in Shannon Horbour,  Co Offaly, Ireland.  Service ID # 1604, series number WO96

17.  P. McTiernan, service dates are from 1899 to 1902, Reg. number 5784 and name 3rd Leinster fought in the second Boar War

18. Thomas McTernan, 1872--, born in Rynagh parish, Co Offaly, Ireland and enlisted in England in the Royal Engineers, service ID 26674

19. Pvt. Martin McTernan, 1835--, born in Killargy, Co Leitrim, Ireland and served in the British Army,  Argyll and Southerland Highlanders Reg. 91st (Princess Louise's Argyllshire Highlanders) Regiment of Foot in Kamptee (E.I.) India and 93rd Foot, Aldershot, Hampshire County, service ID 3399, series WO121.  Martin served in the Crimea war also.

20.  J. McTiernan, served 1899 to 1902 in South Africa in the Second Boer War with the 3rd Battalion The King's Liverpool, regt. number 5170
21.  Pvt. W. McTernan, Trooper Imperial Yeomanry, The Queen's South Africa (QSA) Medal Clasps: Cape Colony, Transvaal, Rhodesia, South Africa 1901.  61st Company 17th Battalion Imperial Yeomanry, 2nd Dublin,  Regt. number 11189 

22.  Pvt. H. McTernan, enlisted in the British Army in the 61st Company, 17th Battalion, Imperial Yeomanry, Regt. # 11189.  Saw service in South Africa in the 2nd Boer War. 

23.  Pvt. J. McTiernan, lost his life while serving in the 1st Batt., Prince of Wales Leinster Reg, 1900-1902 in South Africa in the Boer War

The Easter Rising, 1916 - 1921   12

1.  McTiernan was the company captain in Jamesstown which was in the 3rd Battalion, South Leitrim Brigade.

2.   McTiernan from Carrick disputing how to attack the RIC guard

3.    Joe McTiernan from Roscommon, part of the South Roscommon Flying Column

4.   &  Jimmie McTiernan of Roscommon was thought to have been killed but showed up after the conflict

5.    The Independence of Ireland, the Movement in Australia 1913-1921, noted is Sir Edward McTiernan in the baseline of the T3 DNA group.

6.  John McTiernan,  from Lyne, Co Sligo.  On 12-29-1921, was brought into court under Martial Law as being part of the Civil War and Uprising.

7. Patrick McTiernan, 1901--, in the Irish Army census of 1922, in the Infantry Corps. Next of kin listed as his mother, Mary from Cleenaghoo Townland, Ballinamore,  Co Leitrim.  Patrick was the Grand Uncle of Sean-SF and the second cousin one generation removed of Cathal McTiernan in the baseline of the T3 DNA Group.

8. Martin McTernan, 1918, a civilian tried by British Court Marshall

9. James McTiernan, in 1917, civilian tried by Court Marshall

10. John McTernan, 1921, stood before a court of inquiry in lieu of an inquest, ADA-BRO

11. James McTernan was a witness attesting to the fact that John Foley was due a pension based on his service to the IRA during the troubles

12. Seamus MacTigearnain was a witness attesting to the fact that John Foley was due a pension based on his service to the IRA during the troubles

The Great War, 1914-1918

as of  12-18-2024   309 total MacTighernan veterans in The Great War....The words es is nichtsit is nothing, the understatment of the century said by the dying Archduke Ferdinand considering the 20 million lives lost in The Great War

Ireland's Veterans   47

Pvt. Patrick McTernan, c. 1888--6-5-1918, enlisted on 1-24-1916 and was discharged for being sick on 5-6-1918  in the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, service ID 28767.  He fought overseas and died 2 months after discharged

1. Pvt. Patrick McTernan, 1880--10-31-1918, Enlisted in the  6th Connaught Rangers, 6th Bn., Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, service IDs 2723, 43133, Served and was killed in Flanders Fields, Belgium and is buried at Erquelinnes, Hainaut, Belgium or France.  Enlisted in Boyle, Co Roscommon. Son of Thomas and Mary McTernan of Fawn, Drumahaire, Co Leitrim, Ireland.  Bridget McTernan was his sister and all property in Patrick's will was left to her.  Bridget may have been working at the Roscommon Rectory.

2. Lance Corporal P. McTiernan, Connaught Rangers, service IDs 7700, 35229.  Served twice

3. Charles McTiernan, 1877--, born in Curry, Charlestown, Co Sligo, Ireland and joined the Connaught Rangers, 88th & 94th Foot

4. Charles McTiernan, 1873--, born in Calry parish, Co Sligo, Ireland and joined the Royal Artillery, soldier ID 1042

5. Charles McTiernan, 1885--, from Co Sligo, Ireland, joined the Connaught Rangers, service ID 347

6. Hugh McTernan, 1880--, born in Killarga parish, Co Leitrim, Ireland.  Joined the Royal Artillery, service # 26120

7. Patrick Joseph McTiernan, 3-22-1887--4-29-1931, born  in Tullynascreen, Drumahaire, Co. Leitrim.  Immigrated to the US on 5-15-1909.  Entered the U.S. Army on 12-6-1917.  Was in Co. I, 3rd Reg., Camp Humpreys, Virginia.  Was in the Engineers Corp.  Served in France.  Became a U.S. Citizen on 7-3-1918. Died 4-29-1931.  Cause of death was tuberculosis, caused by complications from being gassed in France during the war. Buried 5-2-1931 in St. Lawrence RC cemetery, Lakeland Avenue, Sayville, Long Island, N.Y.

8. Pvt. Myles McTernan, 2-23-1891--, born in Co Leitrim, Ireland and living at 304 Remington St., Bridgeport, CT joined the US Army.  Serial ID 3190610.  Next of kin was his mother Mrs. Hanna McTiernan who was living at 670 E. 141 St. in the same city.  Myles worked at a Food Shop at 195 St. Ann's Ave  He also lived at 383 E 137 St., Bronx, NY.  He had blue eyes and black hair.

9. Pvt. John McTernan, 5-6-1892--, born in Co Leitrim and lived at 101 Atkinson, Rochester, NY  John enlisted in the US Army  4-4-1918 in Rochester.  His service ID was 1750427 and served overseas from 5-20-1918 till 2-1-1919 and was severely wounded in action on 9-17-1918 being discharged with 50 % disability.  He was tall with a slender build, brown hair and gray eyes.  He was employed at Mobican Comp. on Main St. East in Rochester?

10. Michael John McTernan, 5-5-1892--, born in Dowra, Co Leitrim.  Seaman in Royal Navy M34259.  He served on both the HMS Pembroke I and the HMS Victory I.  He was 5'11" tall blue eyes and dark brown hair.

11. John McTiernan, from Co. Sligo.  In the East Surry Regiment, service ID 5233

12. John McTernan, 1887--, born in Ballyboy, Manorhamilton, Co Leitrim, Ireland but joined the British service in England.  Soldier ID # 2037.

13. James McTiernan, from Sligo with a brother John. 

14. Pvt. J McTernan, 1889--, from  Tullynamoyle in Co Leitrim or Town-A-Moil, enlisted in the Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), 11th Service Bn. service ID 26658.  Roman Catholic, Wounded on 11-1-1917, Shell Wound Face, Right Shoulder and Left Cornea superficial, yet it doesn't sound too bad.

15. Thomas McTernan, 1883--, born in Dromahaire, Co Leitrim.  At 31 years of age he enlisted in the Royal Scots Fusiliers, regt. # 1039.  Next of kin was listed as Bridget McTernan, most likely his wife or mother.  He had previously served in the Connaught Rangers for 8 years.  Ge was 5'8" tall, 164 lbs. with grey eyes and brown hair. 

16. Capt. James McTernan, 1900--, event was in 1922 in Irish Army Census from Co Roscommon, Ireland, serving in the VR in the Roscommon Column Post, II Western Division, Western Command.  Next of kin was his father, John McTernan

17. Patrick McTernan, 1895--, from Birr, Kings Co. [Offaly] , Ireland in the Royal Tank Corps.

18. Pvt. Hugh McTernan, Tullynamoyle, Co Leitrim, Ireland.  Enlisted in the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers & Labour Corps., service IDs 21439, 546892.  Was wounded in 8-1917.

19. Temporary Lieutenant M. A. McTernan, in 1918 was in the Royal Dublin Fusiliers

20.  Lieutenant Michael Patrick McTernan, Royal Dublin Fusiliers,  6th (Service) Battalion.  He was wounded in 10-1918.  On enlistment he lived at 65 Cabra Park, Philsburrogh, Dublin, Ireland.

21. Michael Patrick McTernan, 1898--, enlisted in the Royal Dublin Fusiliers, Reg. ID 26927  in 1916.  His mother Sarah McTernan who was born in Adare, Co Sligo, Ireland was listed as next of kin but also listed as living at 1038 Custer Ave, Evanston, Illinois, USA  Michael was living 242 North Circular Rd, Dublin and was a grocer's assistant.

22. Pvt. Thomas McTernan, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, service ID 30172 then Labour Corps, service ID 30172, 581636.

23. Pvt. Thomas McTernan, --9-6-1917,  from Bridgeton, Glasgow and enlisted in the Connaught Rangers, 5th Bn., Labour Corps, 43rd Battalion Royal Fusiliers, service ID 1438, 104381, 579108, 5357 served in the Balkans.  Thomas was wounded and listed as such in the 10-11-1915 Daily List of causalities.

24. Thomas McTernan, 1883--. from Co Leitrim, Ireland.  Noted in 1914 British Army records

25.  John McTiernan,  c. 1861--, born in St. John parish, Co Sligo, Ireland.  Served in the Army Reserve Attestation, Regimental  ID 668 at the age of 47.   His wife was Kate and they had 4 children: Kate, James, John & Patrick.   John was a general laborer.   He was 5'9" and 160 lbs. with hazel eyes and brown hair.  See below as may be son.

26. Gunner Charles McTiernan, c. 1885--, born in St. John parish, Co Sligo, Ireland.  On 8-2-1903 in Elphin, Charles married Mary A Feehily, who lived at Vernon St. Sligo City, Co Sligo.  Charles also had a brother named John who lived on Quay St., Sligo City.  Charles was 5'9" tall and weighed 143 lbs. He had hazel eyes and dark brown hair.

27. Pvt. Francis McTernan, 1874--, born in Killmar?, near the town of Carrick-on-the-Shannon, Co Leitrim, Ireland, enlisted in the Connaught Rangers, regt. number 6066.  Francis joined the Army in Edinburgh, Scotland  was almost 36 years old when he enlisted and was 5'10" tall, grey eyes and brown hair.  He was single and a laborer.  Lived at 13 Pantland Place, Brandyshire, Glasgow.   He served in Belgium and France and was wounded in the butt on 3-26-1918.  Before the war he was a brewer in Edinburgh. His brothers were Thomas [ below ] and John and the father was Patrick.

28.  Thomas McTernan, lived at 13 Pantland Place, Brandyshire, Glasgow and the brother of Francis above. 

29. Charles McTernan, 1901--1983, received a military pension from Ireland.  From Co Leitrim

30.  Felix McTernan, 1887--1972, received a military pension from Ireland.  From Co Leitrim.

31. James McTernan, 1880--1976, received a military pension from Ireland.  From Co Leitrim

32.  James McTernan, 1881--1958, received a military pension from Ireland.  From Co Leitrim

33.  James McTernan, 1894--1969, received a military pension from Ireland.  From Co Sligo

34.  James McTernan, 1900--1922, listed in 1922 Irish Army Census.  From Co Roscommon

35.  James Patrick McTernan, 1894--, received a military pension from Ireland.  From Co Leitrim

36.  John McTernan, 1892--1965, received a military pension from Ireland.  From Co Leitrim

37.  John McTiernan, 1892--, received a military pension from Ireland.  From Co Leitrim

38.  John McTernan, 1893--1988, received a military pension from Ireland.  From Co Leitrim

39.  John Francis McTernan,  received a military pension from Ireland.  From Co Leitrim & Dublin

40. John Joseph McTernan, 1888--1965, received a military pension from Ireland.  From Co Leitrim

41. Patrick McTernan, 1880--1918, was killed in The Great War. 

42.  Terence McTernan, 1897--1978, received a military pension from Ireland.  From Co Leitrim

43. James McTiernan, 1890--, received a military pension from Ireland.  From Cos. Sligo & Cork.

44. Martin McTiernan, 1893--1972, received a military pension from Ireland.  From Co Leitrim

45. Michael McTiernan, 1905--1986, received a military pension from Ireland.  From Co Leitrim

46. Patrick McTiernan, 1895--1971, received a military pension from Ireland.  From Co Leitrim

47. Patrick McTiernan, 1901--, in 1922, was in the Irish Army Census.  From Co Longford

Soctland's Veterans     23

1. John McTernan,  c. 1891--,  resided in 5 Borthwick Place, Edinburgh, Scotland.  On 2-18-1912, in Edinburgh, John married Wilhelmina Crighton and had three kids, Margaret, 11-21-1910--, Wilhelmina, 5-4-1912--,  and John, 8-5-1913--,  all born in Edinburgh.  John served in the Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), Reg. ID is 20867.

2. Pvt. John Robert McTernan, Highland Light Infantry, Royal Scots, 7th (Queen's Own) Hussars, 18th H.L. Inf. 30404. Pte., 11th R. Scots. 41500, service ID  83357, event 1914-1920

3. Lance Corporal Matthew McTernan, in British Army, the Highland Light Infantry, Labour Corps, service IDs 7502, 410558. served in France and was wounded there.

4. Pvt. M. McTernan, from Edinburgh, Scotland.  Highland Light Infantry, service ID 41692.   Was wounded in 9-1917

5. Pvt Francis McTernan, Highland Light Infantry and Labour Corps, service IDs 8256, 451254 respectively, was wounded in 4-1915

6. Pvt. Lindsay Wilson McTernan, Highland Light Infantry, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, Kings Own Scottish Borderers, service IDs 45983, 41980.

7.  G. McTernan, in 1917 was an Air Mechanic 2nd class in the Royal flying Corps.  Service ID 95490

8.  Michael McTiernan, 1878(80)--1934, born in Liberton, Midlothian, Scotland and died at Mount Vernon Road, Liberton, Edinburgh, Scotland.  Served in the Black Watch ( Royal Highlanders ) Regiment service reg. ID 1735 and 4735. Michael  had blue eyes, dark hair and was 5 feet 4 inches in height.  At the time of joining he was 34 years of age.  Michael was married to Anne Conway.   PeterS  in the T3 DNA Group baseline is Michael's 2nd cousin 2 Generations Removed.  Archie Young is the Grandson of Michael McTiernan. .

9.  Hugh McTernan, 1867--, born in St. Giles, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland.  Hugh's service ID was 773

10. M. P. Mcternan, had joined the Royal Scotts Fusiliers WO 86/92  but court marshalled on 7-9-1923 in Glasgow, Scotland. 

11. Pte. John McTernan, enlisted on 12-17-1914  in the Royal Scots Fusileers, Regt. number 406166, badge number 395748.  He served in France and was discharged on 6-5-1918.

12. Pvt. Charles McTernan, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), Regt. ID 34311.

13. Pvt. Hugh McTernan, from Govan, Scotland, enlisted in the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, service ID S/10444, served and was wounded in France.  Previous unit was 6/Cam. Hrs. S/10444 Pte.  Hugh is in the Tb DNA Group

14. Pvt. Joseph McTiernan, 1898(99)--,  enlisted as a gunner in the Royal Garrison Artillery and the Gordon Highlanders, service IDs 5796, 292281, Reg. ID 158615.  The next of kin was Helen McTernan and both listed as their residence  9 Viewforth Terr, Tranent, East Lothian, Scotland  Joseph was 5'4" tall

15. John James McTernan, 1892--, born in Willington Quay, Scotland. Merchant Seaman 1914-1925

16. Lieutenant Roy McTernan, 1886--, born in Parish of Dallas, Elgin, Scotland.  Alias of Alexander McTennan.  Enlisted in the Australian Imperial Forces. Next of kin listed as William Gallon, his uncle.   Enlisted at Warwick Farm, NSW with service ID 2186.

17. James McTiernan, 1896--, from Dumbartonshire, Dumbartonshire, Scotland.  Seaman in the Royal Navy

18.  Pvt. James McTiernan, wounded on 8-27-1918 with gunshot wounds, left arm and chest.  King's Own Scottish Borderers, 2nd Bn. and Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Service ID 32819 & 32025.

19. Pvt. James McTernan, 1834--, born in Inch, Co Clare, Ireland. Joined the Argyll and Southerland Highlanders (Princess Louise's) 91st & 93rd Foot.  Soldier ID 5793.  Previous units: /2870 1/A&S. Hrs. Pte., 2/A&S. Hrs

20. Pvt. Thomas  Patrick McTernan,  Cameronian (Scottish Rifles), Labour Corps, service IDs 204105, 577932.

21.  John Gibney, c. 1886--9-1918, born in Meath, England and died in the Great War in Egypt.  John was married to Honora McTiernan of Kirkintilloch, Scotland

22.  Martin McTernan, in the Cameronian's, served in The Great War for 4 years, in France, fought in the trenches in his kilt, then he volunteered to fight in World War II when he was upon a ship, they were bombed & thrown into the water, he did more than his share, when he arrived home, he was screaming for weeks.  Martin is the grandfather of John USA in the Tb DNA Group

23. Pvt. Patrick McTernan, Royal Scots Fusiliers, Labour Corps, service IDs 15995, Regt. number 406166.

England's Veterans    79

1. Michael McTiernan, 1872--, born in Washington parish, England and joined Durham Light Infantry, 68th & 106th Foot.  series WO96

2.  Pvt. John Michael McTiernan, 10-1-1881--5-5-1918, born in Birkenhead, Co Chester, Cheshire, England and died in Doullens, Departement de la Somme, Picardie, France. Enlisted in the  Royal Welsh Fusileers, 17th Bn. service ID 46493 and is buried at Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No. 2.  John was also in the Lancashire Fusiliers, ID # 52289. The eldest child of John, 1860--1921, and Alice McTiernan, 1860--1932, and husband of Johanna Flood.  Joanna father's name was Patrick.   John Michael was educated at. St. Joseph's School, Seacombe; enlisted, and served seven years with the Colours, taking part in the South African War (Medal) ; subsequently joined the Reserve ; re-enlisted in June, 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, Belgium from 10-1916, and died at No. 3 Stationary Hospital, Doullens, 5-5-1918, from wounds received in action at Arras. He married  at St. Joseph's Church, Seacombe, 12-23-1903, Johanna, dau. of Patrick Flood, and had five children.  Their home was 11 Alfred Rd, Seacombe, Cheshire, England.  John is buried at Doullens, Somme, France.  John also had been active in the British Army in the Boar War receiving several medals for his heroism. John Michael and Johanna Flood had the following five children

    1. Thomas McTiernan, 1-27-1905--, born most likely in Seacombe, Cheshire, England.
    2. John James McTiernan, 4-26-1910--, born most likely in Seacombe, Cheshire, England.
    3. Richard William McTiernan, 9-20-1916--,  born most likely in Seacombe, Cheshire, England.
    4. Elizabeth McTiernan, 6-1908--, born most likely in Seacombe, Cheshire, England.
    5. Johanna McTiernan, 4-5-1917--, born most likely in Seacombe, Cheshire, England.

3. Pvt. John  McTiernan, 1900--3-21--1918, killed in action in Flanders fields in Belgium in service with the Lancashire Fusiliers, 2nd/7th Bn.   John was the brother of 2. Pvt. John Michael McTernan above. John's service ID was 52289. John was from Middlesborough as were his parents James and Sarah McTiernan who lived at 28, Errol St. Middlesbrough, England.  John is buried at Pozieres Memorial,, Somme, France.

4. Pvt. John McTiernan, --4-14-1918, from Middlesbrough.  Enlisted in the West Yorkshire Regiment, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, 8th Bn. service ID 61704.  John was killed in action in Flanders Fields, Belgium and buried at Outtersteene Communal Cemetery, Extension, Bailleul, Nord, France. Son of James and Sarah Ann McTiernan of 28 Errol St., Middlesbrough, England. John was killed in action in the Western European Theatre.

5. Pvt. John McTernan, from Moston, England.  Enlisted in the The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment, Machine Gun Corps, Royal Fusiliers, service IDs G/13314, 147088, Gs/93679.  Wounded in 11-1917.

6. Pvt. John McTernan, Army Service Corp, service ID M/378624

7. Driver James McTiernan, in 1918 Army Service Corps., T4/062277 and Reg. number of T4/057855 and served in France. 

8. Driver John McTernan, Army Service Corps, service ID or regt. numbr  T4/037855

9. Driver Thomas McTiernan, Army Service Corps , service ID. T4/083355 & 92893, Royal Artillery (Royal Horse Artillery and Royal Field Artillery), served in France in 9-27-1915.

10.  Patrick McTernan, 1893--, in the Royal Artillery

11.  Patrick Hugh McTernan, in the Royal Artillery in 1938.

12.  James Atkinson McTernan, 1900--, in the Royal Artillery

13. Driver Gerald McTernan, Royal Artillery (Royal Horse Artillery and Royal Field Artillery), service ID L/12367, fought in France and awarded the overseas war medal.  

14. Gunner / Bombardier Patrick McTernan, Royal Artillery (Royal Horse Artillery and Royal Field Artillery), service Id 71474, served in France and was released on 1-7-1919 for misconduct.

15. Sapper James McTernan, 1875--, Royal Engineers, service ID 102179. Died in action in France. Served in the Royal Engineers, in 1915.  residence 2 Red Row, Bearmish Durham.  On 11-25-1893, in Felling, James McTiernan married Annie Carr and had four children, John, 10-21-1893--,, born in Lanchester, Kate, 11-11-1903--, born in Felling-on-Tyne, Alice, 10-25-1905--,  and Mary

16. Gunner James McTernan, Royal Garrison Artillery, Regt. number 10453, service ID 344382, event 1914-1920, previous unit was R.G.A. (TF) 344382
Gnr. , served in France and presumed dead at the end of the war. .

17. C.H. McTiernan, in the Royal Garrison Artillery, service ID 5059

18.  Charles Henry McTernan, 1896--, British Royal Artillery

19. J. McTiernan, from Wakefield, England. Enlisted in the King's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry), service ID 201122.  Was wounded in 12-1917.

20. James McTiernan, 1890--, British Army, from Wakefield, Yorkshire, England

21.  Ordinary Seaman James McTiernan, 6-27-1896--, born in Dumbartonshire and from Wakefield, Yorkshire, England.  In the Royal Navy in 1917 to 1919, Leading Stoker, service ID J77250 and S.S 112612. Served on HMS Vivid 1 & Cinceria.    James was 5'5" tall with brown eyes and a fresh complexion.  His civilian occupation was a Railway Serfaceman.

22. George McTernan, 1895--, Airman service from York, Wakefield, Yorkshire.  Service ID 95385 & 95500

23.  John McTernan, 1894--, from Wakefield, Yorkshire, England

24.  Pvt. James McTiernan, --11-21-1915, Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire) Regiment, service ID: 2926, buried in Essex Farm Cemetery located in Boezinge, West Flanders, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium. Photo [click on the name] taken by Paul McTernan on one of his many battlefield tours,   It was at  Essex Farm Cemetery that Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae of the Canadian Army Medical Corps wrote the poem ' In Flanders Fields' in May 1915.  In Flander's Fields song

25. Pvt. William McTiernan, Yorkshire Regiment, Labour Corps, service ID 31157, 13480.  Service IDs may have been a typo as Michael below has the same numbers

26. Michael McTiernan, 1872--, born in Washington parish, England and joined Durham Light Infantry, 68th & 106th Foot.  Series WO96 Regiment, Labour Corps, service ID 31157, 13480.   see above for same service number.

27. Pvt. Stephen McTiernan, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Machine Gun Corps, service ID 29365, 41193, 144790 .

28. Pvt. Martin McTiernan, Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire Regiment (Sherwood Foresters), Army Service Corps, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry,  service ID 15172 and  T/386924 & T/386294.  His previous units were 11th Notts. & Derby Regt. 15172 Pte Martin was a driver and was wounded.

29. John Herbert McTernan, 1896--1974, born and died in London, England.  Joined the Royal Fusiliers, 7th Foot.  John Herbert McTernan died 2-6-1914 in the City of Westminster Infirmary,  London, of Lymphatic Leukaemia.  He served at the turn of the century, in a London outfit, and became a Chelsea Pensioner.The father of Victor McTernan and the grandfather of Christine Kelly in the T 2 DNA Group.  9999

30. Company Sargent Major Frank McTernan, --4-21-1917,  born in St. Johns, Derby, Derbyshire, enlisted in the South Wales Borderers,  12th Bn, service ID 23881, killed in action in Flanders Fields.  Frank is buried in Fifteen Ravine British Cemetery, Villers-Plouich, Nord, France.  Frank is in the Td DNA Group.  At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them, Selina

31. James McTiernan, c. 1892--, born in Wakefield, Yorkshire, England, King's own Yorkshire Light Infantry from Yorkshire.  Service ID 8/15380 & 242400.  He was a laborer.

32. Pvt. Charles McTernan, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, service ID 3049, 200851.

33. Sergeant J. McTernan, 1879-->1917, Inflammation of connective tissue foot. Transferred to sick convoy on 3-7-1917. Roman Catholic. Service ID 3267.  King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, 62nd Division

34. Pvt. James McTiernan, from Leeds, Yorkshire.  King's own Yorkshire Light Infantry reg. number 15380, service ID 242420 and 5799.  Fought in France and was wounded in 9-1917.

35.  John Robert McTernan, 1898--, from St. Lawrence, York, Yorkshire, England.

36. Gerald McTernan, 6-18-1897--, British Royal Navy from 5-6-1929 to 10-1-1940, born in York, Yorkshire, England. Service ID  59041. First ship served on was Lucia (L69) (Adamant 2) and the last ship was the Hornet.  He was a laborer.

37. Patrick McTernan, 9-10-1883--, born in Wakefield, York, England was leading stoker, British Navy, service ID 302216. 3 Medal Entitlement issued by Royal Naval Base, Devonport. Born in Wakefield, Yorkshire,  Name was listed as Bradley with McTernan the alias.   His first ship was the HMS Vivid II.  Patrick fought in the 1916  battle of Jutland,  He was 5'4" tall with brown hair and grey eyes.

38. John James McTernan, 1892--, British Merchant Navy, event 1914-1920

39. Able Seaman John Rodger McTernan, 3-9-1898--12-30-1984, born and died in West Hartlepool, Durham and living when he passed at 150 Burbank St. in Heartpool.  He served 10-24-1916 in the British Navy, service IDS J61156. His first ship was HMS Victory I and his last ship was HMS Sandhurst.  John received the British War Medal and Victory Medal.  He was 5'5" tall with brown hair and blue eyes

40. Able Seaman Charles McTiernan, in 1918 listed as an able seaman in the Royal Navy, Service,  ID J42168

41.  Gunner Sergeant. Charles H. McTernan, Regt. number 5659. Gunner. 94 Siege Bty.  Royal Garrison Artillery, service IDs 337710, 5659 & 1661889, event year 1914-1920.

42.  J. W. McTiernan, served in the Royal Engineers in Argentina.

43. Pvt. (Acting Sergeant) James McTiernan, Army Veterinary Corps , service ID  Se/1079. Served in France.

44. Pvt. Farrel McTernan, 1878--, served in the 15th The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), service ID 18654.  He received The British War Medal and Victory medal.  He was the son of Terence McTernan, born Manor Hamilton area in Co Leitrim & Ann Judge, & great son of another Farrell McTernan, also Manor Hamilton area, Co Leitrim. .

45. Corporal John McTernan,  1st Hampshhire Regiment, service ID 16032, served in France.

46. Pvt. John McTernan, L.C., I.C. Ex R.S. Fus., service ID 405155

47. Pvt. John McTernan, from Levenshulme, England. Princess Victoria's Royal Irish Fusiliers, service ID 13060.  Previous units: 5 R. Ir. Fus. 13060 Pte, 5/6 R. Ir. Fus. 13060. Wounded in the Balkans in 11-1917.

48. Sergeant Patrick McTiernan, joined the Prince of Wales Leinster Regiment, in event year 1857 was in the 100th Foot [Cumberand Regt.] & 109th Foot. service ID 3193 & 91  series WO97.  Patrick was in the Crimea War and the Boar War also.  May be the same soldier listed at 46. under England's Vets in the Great War and 4. listed under the Crimean War.

49.  Joseph McTernan, at 18 years of age enlisted in the British Army.  His mother Helen McTernan was listed as mext of kin.  Joseph was 5'4" tall.

50.  Pvt. Terrance McTernan, 1878--, served in the British Army, Liverpool Regiment, his Labour Corps. Rgt. Service ID was 66492 & 43521,  His residence was 17 Clito St Oak St, Moston MC.  Terrence was a plumber.  His next of kin was Hanna McTernan, his mother.  He was 5' 2 1/2" tall

51. James McTernan, 1880--. British Army records.

52. James McTernan, --1918, died in the Great War fighting for England

53. John McTernan, received the Silver War Badge in 1918

54. John McTernan, event was in 1919.  Joined the Royal Tank Corps

55. Thomas P. McTernan, British Army medal index

56. Pvt. Charles McTernan, British Army. Regt. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders), service ID S/2870, event year 1914-1920.  Charles was killed in action.  Same unit as 55. below

From 57 to 60 inclusive are all related in the T DNA group baseline in Tony's family.

57. Pvt. John McTernan, 1879--1-16-1916 or [--9-30-1916], born in Cramond, Midlothian, Scotland.  Enlisted in Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland in Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders, service ID S/2916 served in France but was killed in action in the Balkan Theatre at Salonika, Greece. Royal Army Veterinary Corps with the Princess Louise's Argyel and Sutherland Highlanders, 1st Bn. POW # 404372, Stalag XVIII-A in Wolfsberg, Austria.  theatre of action: SALONIKA and buried at the Struma Military Cemetery, Greece, service ID 404372.   Son of Patrick and Ann McTernan of 11, Cheyne St., Edinburgh, Scotland. Related to Tony in the T DNA Group baseline and brother to Patrick below.

58. Lance Corporal Patrick McTernan, 1889--10-18-1918,  born in Cramond Midlothian (Edinburgh, Scotland) and buried in Le Cateau Military Cemetery, Nord, France.  Son of Patrick McTernan, husband of Marion McDonald Smith (formerly McTernan) of 65, Scoonie Rd. Leven, Fife, Scotland. Patrick was a baker.  Enlisted in the Machine Gun Corps, (Infantry) Formerly A. & S.H, 25th Bn.  Machine Gun Corps  Service ID 31557.  Was wounded in August 1917 and  killed in action on Flanders Fields, Belgium.  Patrick's parents were Patrick McTernan; husband of Marion McDonald Smith (formerly McTernan), of 65, Scoonie Rd., Leven, Fife Related to Tony in the T DNA Group and brother to Pvt. John McTernan, 1879--1-16-1916 or [--9-30-1916] above

59.  John McTernan, --1939, served in the Great War and brother to Francis below part of Tony's family in the T Group DNA baseline

60.   Driver Francis McTernan, 1889--, Royal Horse & Driver in the Royal Artillery (Royal Horse Artillery and Royal Field Artillery), service ID 127, served in France.  From Midlothian, Scotland and brother to John above and was related to John, and Patrick above, all in Tony's family in the T DNA Group baseline

61. John McTiernan, 1869--, was in the British Royal Air Force in 1918

62. Gerald McTiernan, served in the British Army

63. Gunner Charles McTiernan, 1878--, living at 22 John Street, Co Sligo, Ireland.  Enlisted in the British Army in the  Royal Horse & Field Artillery, reg. name P P Res & number 347, service ID 76681.  His trade was a Fitters helper.  His next of kin were two brothers, John and James living at the same address.  Charles was 5'9" tall and 142 lbs. Listed under the British Veterans.  Records show he was vaccinated on board ship as a child.

64. Trimmer James J. McTiernan, 1890--, born in London served on the ship HMS Tuscania, Service ID 137785

65.  Patrick Hugh McTernan, 11-5-1899--, born in Washington, Durham. In the Durham Home Guard 2nd Battalion

66.  Pvt. James McTernan, 1892--4-22-1918,  born in Stockton, Durham and enlisted in the 16th Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers, service ID 10753 in Newcastle-on-Tyne. He died of his wounds in either France or Flanders.  The son of Patrick and Anne McTernan and the grand uncle of Robert-UK & his sister Glenis Richards.  James is also the uncle of John Richard McTernan, 1924--1954.  James is in the T3 DNA Group.  

67. John McTiernan, lived at 3 Barretts Yard Northgate, Wakefield and served in the British Army, Regiment number is R KOSLI

68. James McTiernan, 1869--, born in St. John's parish, Co Sligo, Ireland.  He was attached to the British Royal Irish Fusiliers, Reg. number 3014 but court marshaled on 5-22-1916 in Hortackoj Greece ref number WO 213/9 for desertion.

69. Pvt. Farrell McTiernan, mustered in on 12-25-1812 at Leomil, Portugal end of muster was 3-24-1813.  He was in the 88th Regiment of Foot, 1st Battalion, the same as Dudly below.

70. Dudley McTiernan, 1790--1854, born in Clonea, Manorhamilton, Cloonclare parish, Co Leitrim, Ireland or Cloncar, Co Mayo.  [most likely Glencar, Co Leitrim] and joined the South Lancashire Regiment, 40th & 82nd Foot.   Was living in Co Mayo on a British Army pension but before or after was in the Royal hospital in Chelsea.  Other records state that Dudley was born in Cloncar, Co Mayo and served in 40th Foot Regt., 96th Foot Regt., 88th Regiment of Foot, 1st Battalion [the same as Farrell above] stationed at Leomil, Portugal service ID 9031, being discharged at age 37.   Dudley was 5'6" tall and was 26 when he joined the British Army.

71. Pvt. Patrick McTiernan,  1891--7-23-1916, married to Bridget and living at 25 Main Avenue, New Craighall. he was born in Foundry Lane, Lasswade, Loanhead, Midlothian and resided in Newcraighall, Midlothian, Scotland. He enlisted in Loanhead, Midlothian Patrick died of his wounds in a field hospital near Amiens set up for the wounded of the Battle of the Somme. He was injured at Longueval where Germans fought British almost one to one in the remains of a village. 2 weeks into the Battle of the Somme.He was with the Royal Scots, 8th Bn. (Lothian Regiment), Reg. ID 4151 or Regimental ID 5323 and 14266.  Patrick is buried in Flanders Fields in Belgum, Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericpurt-L'Abbe, Somme, France.  Patrick is in the T 7 DNA Group

72. Pvt. William McTiernan, c. 1888--, lived at 20 Fredric Street, North Ormesby and was married to Charlott on 8-21-1915 at the Parish Church North Ormesby.  He was in the labour Battalion, service ID 13280. 

73. Gunner John McTiernan, 1896--, from 14 Volta St, Selby, enlisted in the Royal Field Artillery, Regt. number 154891 and did serve in France

74.  Pvt. John McTernan, served in the Army Service Corps, regt. number M/378674, previous unit was R.A.S.C..

75.  James McTernan, c. 1880--, lived at 21 Wylam St, Craghead, Durham.  at the age of 35 enlisted in the Northumberland Fusiliers, regt. number 1406.   James was 5'10" tall .  His father Henry RIP was born in Belhavel, Co Leitrim, Ireland.

76.  James McTernan, 4-10-1894--, born in Wakefield, York, England.  Enlisted in the British Navy on 5-16-1912 on board the HMS Victory II.  Last service date was 6-8-1921.  His service ID was SS112612.  He was 5'4" tall, dark brown hair and brown eyes.  His occupation was a farmer.

77. Sgt, J. P. McTernan, Regt. Royal Corps of Signals, number 149 / 2320903 and served in Palestine. 

78.  Pvt. John McTernan, 1894--, at 23 enlisted in the Royal Army Medical Corps in 1917 serving overseas in France.  He lived at 7 Chaddock St., Preston.  He was 4'10" tall. His father was also named John.

79. Patrick McTiernan, 1900--, British Army Regimental Enlistment Registers in 1919.

Australian Veterans   17

From 1 to and including 4 are in the same family.

1.  Pvt. Leslie Stuart McTernan, 6-9-1886--12-13-1968, born in Michelago, NSW, Australia.  14 Machine Gun Company - 2 to 10 Reinforcements (May 1916 - February 1917), Service ID 293.  Leslie was living in Junction Street, Nowra, NSW and was married to Margaret Cartwright, 1887--11-3-1974, born and died in Queanbeyan, NSW. They lived at Junction Street, Nowra, NSW Australia.  Leslie was a Roman Catholic.  Leslie is the brother to Pvt Roy McTernan below and both are in the Ta DNA Group.

2.  Pvt Roy Herbert McTernan, 11-1888--8-22-1915, from Berry, NSW, Australia and died in the battle of Gallipoli and is memorialized on the Lone Pine Gallipoli Memorial in Turkey. He joined the 18th Australian Infantry Bn,, service ID: 934. Roy joined in Nov 1914 and was placed in the Veterinary Corp. He was discharged and re enlisted under an assumed name of Herbert McLenan in February 1915.  Died in the Battle for Hill 60, 3 days after arrival on the Gallipoli peninsular. The 18th Battalionn lost more than half their battalion in this battle. Roy wasn't actually buried, his alias name is on the Lone Pine Memorial. ''Herbert McLenan". Brother to Leslie above and both are in the Ta DNA Group.

3. Bombardier Thomas Stuart McTernan, 2-22-1888--6-15-1962, born and died in Michelago, NSW, AUS.  Served with the Australian Expeditionary Force in the 7th Light Trench Infantry Bn.., service ID 58899 and  with the Trench Mortar battery.   Thomas is in the Ta DNA Group and a first cousins to Roy and Leslie above and James below.

4. Pvt. James Wallace McTernan, 1887(9)-->1917, born in Michelago, NSW and enlisted in Liverpool, NSW in the. 2 Infantry Battalion - 13 to 23 Reinforcements (December 1915 - November 1916) with service ID  5411A, departed from Sydney but lived in Campbell's Creek, Victoria. His father was James Bernard Wallace McTernan of Campbell's Creek, Victoria..   James was sent to France in the Australian Pioneers and was wounded in 9-1917.   This is the son of  James Bernard Wallace McTernan and Anne Kelly. He was 6' tall, 140 lbs. with fair completion, grey eyes and black hair.    James was a cousin to Leslie, Roy and Thomas above and in the Ta DNA Group.

5.  Hugh Vincent McTiernan, 1899--1950, born in and enlisted in Brisbane, QLD in the Australian Imperial Force about 1917, service ID 16046.  Hugh listed his father Michael Joseph McTiernan as next of kin. Hugh is my 2nd cousin one generation removed and therefore in the T DNA Group.

6.   Sir Edward Aloysius McTiernan, 1892--1990, served with the Australian Imperial Force in The Great War.  With the  Queen in 1970.  Relates to Leo McTiernan and as such is in the baseline of the T3 DNA Group

7.  Lieutenant Roy Alexander McTernan,  born in Whangarei, New Zealand.  Enlisted in Brisbane, QLD in the Australian Imperial Force, service ID 368,  Next of kin listed his mother N. McTernan

8.  Lieutenant Clarence [Roy] Alexander McTernan,  born in Goondiwindi, Queensland, Australia and enlisted in the Australian Imperial Forces in Brisbane QLD, service ID 20466.  Next of kin listed his mother Margaret Maud McTernan

9.  Lieutenant Charles [Roy] McTernan,  born in Warwick, QLD.  Enlisted in Cloncurry, Queensland in the Australian Imperial Force, service ID 2117  Next of kin listed as his wife, Rose McTernan.111d.  Lieutenant Hebert [Roy] McTernan,  born in Berry, NSW.  Enlisted in Liverpool, New South Wales in the Australian Imperial Force, service ID 934.  Next of kin listed was his mother, Mary Theresa McTernan.

10.  Lieutenant Alexander [Roy] McTernan,  born in parish of Richmond,  Melbourne, Victoria.  On 8-12-1915, enlisted in Blackboy Hill, Western Australia in the Australian Imperial Force, service ID 2740,  Next of kin listed his sister, Isabella McTernan who lived at 132 Domain St., S. Yamas, Melbourne, Victoria.

11.  Lieutenant  Albert [Roy] Norman McTernan, born in Barwon Downs or Dimboola, Victoria or in Birregurra, Victoria.  Enlisted in Melbourne in the Australian Imperial Force, service ID 8972 or 8971 or 2702.  Next of kin listed his mother, M or E or Emma McTernan

12.  Lieutenant Alexander [Roy] McTernan, 1888--, born in Heathcote, Victoria.    Enlisted at 26 years of age in Sydney, NSW in the Australian Imperial Force, service ID 542.  Next of kin listed his wife, M.  McTernan

13.  Lieutenant Alexander [Roy] McTernan,  born in Scottsdale, Tasmania.    Enlisted in Hobart, Tasmania in the Australian Imperial Force, service ID 378.  Next of kin listed his father, John  McTernan

14.  Lieutenant Christopher James McTernan,  born in Dimboola, Victoria and enlisted in Ballarat, Victoria in the Australian Imperial Force, service ID 6862.

15.  Lieutenant Claude William [Roy] McTernan, 1894--,  born in Sydney, NSW and on 10-22-1918 enlisted there in the Australian Imperial Force, service ID 95843.

16. James McTernan, 1889--, born in Campbell's Creek, Victoria, Australia.  Australian Imperial Force

17. Jack Hewson, 1914--1987, the son of John Hewson and Bridget McTiernan, born in Lenzie Dunbartonshire, Scotland and died in Brisbane, QLD, Australia. 

Canadian Veterans  4

1. Signalman Dawson David McTiernan, 3-4-1898--1941, born in Bryson, Quebec, Canada and lived at 420 Slater St., Ottawa, Ont.  in Ottawa, He was 20 when he joined the Canadian Expeditionary Force, Reg. ID  345228.   Dawson was 5'5" tall, fair complexion, blue eyes and brown hair.  His mother Mrs. Alice McTiernan, nee Moorehead was his NOK.   He was a clerk in civilian life. Dawson is in the T DNA Group and 1st cousin 1 generation removed to William below.

2. Pvt. William James McTiernan, 3-7-1880--6-29-1917, born in Bryson, Quebec, Canada. Canadian Infantry, 58th Battalion (2nd Central Ontario Regiment.  The son of James McTiernan.  Interned at The Vimy Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France. Service ID 649459.  The 1st cousin, 3 generations removed of Douglas in the T DNA group and 1st cousin 1 generation removed to Dawson David above.  He was 36 when he joined and was a lumberman and his mother's name was Heneriatta. zhe was 5' 9" tall with blue eyes and light hair. William was killed in action and is buried in France or Belgium 

3.  Lance Corporal James McTernan, 5-27-1877--, born in Killargue Parish, Co. Leitrim, Ireland. Lived at 178 Strachan Ave., Toronto, Canada when he enlisted and served with the Canadian Expeditionary Force, Reg. ID 250088.  James was 38 when he joined and was 5' 4 1/2 " tall, blue eyes, brown hair. Next of Kin was his mother, Winnie McTernan who lived at 178 Strachan Ave, Toronto.  The other next of kin was listed as his sister, Elizabeth Keys.  James was a laborer. 

4.  Pvt. John McTiernan,  in 1857 was in the Canadian Governor General´s Body Guards Cavalry

American Veterans by state  139

New York Veterans   44

1. John McTiernan, 1896--, from New York City, NY

2. John J. McTiernan, 1887--, born in Brooklyn, NY and enlisted in the US Army on 2-25-1911 and was discharged on 4-9-1913 at Vancouver Bks, Washington

3. John Joseph McTernan, 1875--, from New York City, NY.  Ancestor of Jerry McTernan and in the T Group baseline

4. John McTiernan, 1881--, from New York City, NY

5. John Emanuel McTernan, 1885--, New York City, NY

6. John Francis McTiernan, 1890--, from New York City, NY.

7. James McTiernan, 1879--, from New York City, NY.

8. Seaman James Joseph  McTiernan, 1900--, from New York City, NY.  He was admitted to the Naval Hospital in Pelham Bay Park, NY, on 7-9-1918 and discharged on 7-17-1918.

9. James McTernan, 1881--, from New York City, NY

10. James J. McTiernan, 1890--, from New York City, NY

11. James Walter McTiernan, 1880--, from New York City, NY

12. Charles Lavelle McTernan, 4-18-1874--11-29-1944, born in Providence, Rhode Island and died in NYC, NY but lived at 184 Nagle Av (Apt 1), New York City, NY.  He was medium build and height with blue eyes and light brown hair.  His wife was Margaret Lewis McTernan.  Charles was a manager and bookkeeper for Bernard Daly at 20 E. 42nd St., NYC, NY  His parents were Farrell and Catherine McTernan.  His SS # 221096296.

13. Pvt. Charles A. McTernan, 9-13-1892--, born in Brooklyn, NY and lived at 1823 Ave. W, and 2226 E. 17 St., Brooklyn, NY.  Enlisted on 9-4-1918 in the US Army, service ID 4898595.  He was 5'4" tall, 145 lbs., with brown eyes and gray hair and ruddy completion.

14. Cpl. Charles Francis McTernan, 11-21-1895-->1942,  served in the military 12-6-1917 in Fort Slocum, NY., service ID 1052575  and was the brother of Thomas Joseph McTernan, 7-18-1898--,  and Katie.  He lived at 417 W. 40th St., Manhattan, NY.  Charles also enlisted in 1942

15. Sgt.  Walter Frank McTernan, 3-7-1892--10-22-1979, born in New York, NY and died in Solano County, CA and buried in Vacaville-Elmira Cemetery,  Vacaville, Solano County, California.  Walter enlisted in the US Army in Philadelphia on 9-14-1918.  His service ID  was 2557497 and was discharged on 6-6-1919.   He lived at 90 Landscape Ave., Yonkers, NY.  In 1942 he was living in Hollis, NY.   His SS # 59203718.  His wife was Jane V. Maguire and his son was Edmund Joseph McTernan Sr., 6-15-1930--2-4-1993,  born in Hollis, Queens County, NY and is buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Stony Brook, Suffolk County, NY and who was married to Michele Lillian McTernan and had one son Edmund Joseph McTernan Jr. 

16.  Lt. Walter Frank McTernan Jr., was awarded the Conspicuous Service Cross while living at 199 Merrick Rd, Lynbrook, NY, 11563

17. Cpl, Thomas A. McTernan, 1898--, born in New York, NY but lived at 7110 5th Ave., Brooklyn, NY.  Thomas' military ID was 352270.  He lived at RFD 1, Helena, NY.  He enlisted on 5-18-1917 in Ft. Slocum, NY and he was discharged on 3-20-1920.  He was in Co. L, 29th Infantry and also Co. M, 33rd Infantry. same as below

18. Pvt. Thomas McTernan, born in NYC, NY and his residence was 7110 5th Ave, Brooklyn, NY.  Enlisted at Ft. Slogum, NY on 5-10-1917 and discharged on 1-10-1919.   His serial ID was 1110877.  same as above

19. Hugh Patrick McTernan, in the NY index to Naturalization of WW I soldiers most likely born in Ireland.

20. Patrick McTiernan, 1875--, (1879--), US Army, from New York City, NY

21. Bernard McTiernan, 1882--, from New York City, NY, US Army

22. Edward McTiernan, 1878--, from New York City, NY

23. Joseph McTiernan, 1893--, from New York City, NY.

24. Joseph Aloysius McTiernan, 1884--, from New York City, NY.

25. Musician Michael Joseph McTiernan, 1897--, or c. 1902--, from New York City, NY and enlisted in the US Army Hdgrs Co 9th C A C N Y G on 10-7-1918 at the age of 16.

26. Fredrick J.  McTernan, 1889--, in the Army, born in Troy, New York and enlistment date in US Army was 7-28-1910 and discharge date was 2-18-1912 at Ft. Riley, KS.

27. Ensign Edward Keating McTernan, 8-18-1895--8-20-1952, born in Brooklyn, NY and  died in NY and is buried in Long Island National Cemetery, East Farmingdale, Suffolk County, New York.  He  enlisted on 9-29-1917 as a US Navy Pilot on active duty from 1917 to 1919, service number 1327130.  A Navy trainer who trained other pilots at the Pensacola Naval Air Station in Florida.  It must have been a dangerous business, at that time, since he mentioned walking behind a funeral caisson on several occasions.  Edward lived at 1315 East 27th St., Brooklyn, NY.  He also lived in Queens Village, NY in 1942 when he tried to re enlist. .  Edward is in the Tf  DNA group and the ancestor of Colin.  He went to Yale University and had brown hair and gray eyes.  His SS $ 337109161.  His wife was Elizabeth S. McTernan who worked at Gibbs & Hill in Penn Station, NYC.

28. John Francis McTiernan, the Grandfather of MattT who is in the T DNA Group

29. Hugh II McTernan, served in the US Coast Guard around 1915.  The grandfather of Hugh McTernan in the T DNA Group.

30.  Pvt. Francis McTiernan, 1897--, lived in Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY when he enlisted in the US Army on 10-17-1942 in NYC.  Francis had 4  and his occupation was lawyer and judge.  He was 5'10" 150 lbs.

31.   1st Lt. Dr. James Michael McTiernan, 4-2-1885--,  enlisted in the US Military on 6-25-1918 at the age of 33 and served in the Medical Corps.   He was born in Quincy, MA but was living at 103 W. 84th St., NYC, NY.  He served at Camp Meade, MD doing a lot of work on the deadly Spanish Flew which killed more soldiers than were killed in battle.  He also served in Camp Crane, PA.  The grandfather of Scott-CO and in the T3 DNA group.

32. Ensign
James A McTiernan, in 1918 he served Rf, ofhce supr nav Aux Res, New York, NY. 

33. Pvt. James McTiernan, 3-31-1895--, born in Ireland and living at 228 Berger St., Brooklyn, NY, Enlisted in the US Army on 6-24-1918. Service number ID 3202075

34.  Pvt.  Edward J McTiernan, c. 1894--, who lived in 241 Ruttland Rd., Brooklyn, NY.  and  departed on 4-24-1918 from Hoboken, New Jersey on the USS ship Leviathan.  His service ID was 1715415 and was in Battery "A" 306th Field Artillery, US Army.  Next of kin was his mother Mrs. Margaret McTiernan.  Same ship as number 35. below.

35. Pvt. John F McTiernan, 8-30-1890--11-1-1973, born in Brooklyn, New York and on 5-28-1918 John enlisted in the US Army at the age of 27.  His service number was 3193635 or 393963 and he lived at 433 W. 25th St., NY, NY or at 569 A 6th Ave, Brooklyn, NY.  John was slightly wounded on or about 10-5-1918 while serving overseas from 7-8-1918 to 6-2-1919.  He was in Company "K" 313th Infantry and left Hoboken, New Jersey on the ship Leviathan on 7-8-1918.  His next of kin was his mother, Margaret.   SS # 52123357.  Same ship as 34. above.

36. Lance Cpl. Edward J. McTiernan, born in Brooklyn and lived at 241 Rutland Rd., Brooklyn, NY.  Inducted into the US Army on 12-8-1917 in Brooklyn. He served overseas in Btry. A 306 F/L to discharge. Serial Number is 1715415.

37.  Pvt. John F. McTiernan, 1899--,  lived at 433 W. 25th St., NYC, NY.  Enlisted in the US Army at Ft. Slocum, NY on 6-18-1918.  He served at Camp Jackson, SC. to discharge. His Serial number # 393936

38. Thomas J. McTernan, 1903--, enlisted on 12-19-1921 in Co E, 14th Infantry, NY National Guard. 

39.  Sgt.  Charles Joseph McTernan, 8-21-1892--, born in Co Leitrim, Ireland but lived at 324 89th St., Brooklyn, NY or 315 95th St., Brooklyn, NY.  Enlisted in the US Army in Brooklyn on 3-4-1918. Charles lived at 1253 Rogers Ave, Brooklyn, NY, USA.  His Army serial ID was 401505 or1208081.  He enlisted on 7-24-1917 at the age of 24 in the Co H 14th N Y Inf N G.  He was also in Co F 14th Regt and in the 106th U. S. INFANTRY, COMPANY "H".  He was slightly wounded in action overseas on 9-26-1918.   He served overseas till his discharge on 2-28-1919.  His next of kin was his sister, Mrs. John Wedlock.  He also lived at 317 95th St., Brooklym, NY when he enlisted on 1-8-1941 in Brooklyn in the Army in Co. F, 14th Regt., his wife was Mrs. Marie McTiernan and he was disabled and unemployed.   see below

40.  Charles J McTernan, 4-1-1890--, born at 1253 Rogers Ave., in Brooklyn, NY. and living at 38 Wolcott St. , Brooklyn, NY  and on 7-22-1943 at 53 years of age he enlisted in the New York National Guard in Brooklyn, NY. Hq Det 1st Bgde.  He had brown hair, blueish green eyes, was slender and medium height.  His occupation was a chauffeur. But the military papers did say that he was flatfooted. see above

41.  Hugh McTernan, 5-5-1924--9-17-1989, born in NYC.  His SS # 86228643.  His parents were Hugh McTernan and Agnes C. Grimm.  He enlisted on 12-5-1944 and was released on 2-24-1947.   His last residence was at 7206 Elizabeth, Union, New Jersey. 

Pvt. Stephen McTernan, c. 1899--, born in Brooklyn, NY and lived at 38 Chester St.  Stephan enlisted in the US Army at Fort Slocum, NY on 11-15-1917.   His Army serial number was 1042634.

43. James Aloysuis McTernan, 10-29-1896--, born in Summit, NJ and lived at 10 De Hart Place, Elizabeth, NJ.   His wife Lena McTernan was also listed on registration form.  James' occupation was in the Oil Refinery, Linden, Union Co., NJ.  James weighed 221 lbs., and was 5'11" tall with gray eyes and brown hair.

44.  Pvt. John McTernan, enlisted on 8-23-1917 in Company A, 2nd Inf., N.Y. Guard

Massachusetts Veterans   25

1. Hugh McTiernan, 1885(86)--, from Beverly, MA

2. James McTernan, 1881--, from Beverly, MA

3. John McTernan, 1877--, from Beverly, MA

4. John Hugh McTiernan, 1898--, from Beverly, MA

5. John Francis McTiernan, 1879--, Somerville, MA

6. David Joseph McTernan, 1900--, Somerville, MA

7. Francis McTernan, 1889--, Boston, MA

8. Edward Joseph McTiernan, 1884--, from Boston, MA.

9. Francis Joseph McTernan, 10-27-1879--, lived at 47 (44) Telegraph in south Boston, Suffolk Co., MA.  Francis was medium height and weight and had brown hair and blue eyes.  His NOK was listed as Catherine E. McTernan.  Francis was a letter carrier

10. James McTiernan, 1877--, from Canton, MA.

11. John McTernan, 1889--, from Brookline, MA.

12. John Bernard McTerenan, 1881--, from Dorchester, MA

13. John Francis McTiernan, 1899--, from Dorchester, MA

14. Patrick S. McTiernan, 1894--, from Dorchester, MA

15. Roy Herald McTernan, 6-19-1886--, born in Massachusetts and  from 27 School,  Danvers, Peabody, Essex Co., MA.  He was Medium height and build, with gray eyes and light brown hair.  Roy was a harness maker employed by his father Charles in Danvers, MA.  He was lame due to broken ankle and had a defect in one eye.

16. Thomas Alexander McTiernan, 1875--, from Worcester, MA.

17. Thomas Patrick McTiernan, 1897--, from Springfield, MA.

18. Edward William Lane McTiernan, 1880--, from Worcester, MA.

19. John McTiernan, 1883--, from Worcester, MA.

20. James McTiernan, 1879--, from Worcester, MA.

21. James McTiernan, 1891--, from Worcester, MA. 

22. John Joseph McTiernan, 1889--, from Charlestown, MA

23. John Laurence McTiernan, 1881--, from Milford, MA

24. Pvt. Edward Joseph McTiernan, 1891--, living at 38 Applewood Place, Springfield, MA.  In Battery "C" 47th Art CAC in the US Army. Service ID 399865.  Departed Newport News, VA on the ship USS Zeelandia on 10-14-1918.  His mother Mrs. Hugh McTiernan was listed as his next of kin.

25. David J. McTernan who lived at 3 Beckwith Circle, Somerville, Boston, MA. David was in the Navy and was wounded in the Great War.  The father of Corporal  William Francis McTernan, 10-17-1921--9-16-1944, United States Marine killed in action on Peleliu Island in the sourth Pacific  in W.W. II.  He was in Company "G", Second Battalton, First Marine Division, Fleet Marine Force and received the Purple Heart Medal, service # 348801.   The McTernan street in Cambridge, MA is named after William and he has a monument at Fort William Mckinley, Manila, the Philippines..  William is in the Te DNA group.

Illinois Veterans  12

1. Charles Frank McTernan, 1884--, Chicago, IL

2. Charles Samuel McTernan, 9-25-1897--, living at 1021 Cypress St., Chicago, IL  He was medium height and build with blue eyes and brown hair.  His parents were Mary Washlow and James McTernan.  His occupation was a teamster for Western Bottling Works.  at 1747 W. 12th St. Chicago, IL.  He also lived at 949 W. Madison Ave, Chicago when he was working for the C&NW RR Company.  His SS # 355.07.8655

3. James McTernan, 1889--, from Chicago, IL.

4. Edward McTiernan, 1876--, from Chicago, IL.

5. John McTernan, 1873--, from Chicago, IL.

6. John Michael McTernan, 1879--, from Chicago, IL

7. John Patrick McTernan, 1891--, from Chicago, IL

8. Paul Peter McTernan, 1899--, US service from Chicago, IL

9. John James McTiernan, 9-19-1877--, from RD 4, Galesburg, Knox Co., IL, medium build, medium height, brown hair and blue eyes.  Mary McTiernan is listed as nearest relative.  John was also listed as a famer.  He registered for the draft when he was 44 years old.

10. Patrick Joseph McTiernan, 1879--, from Knox Co., IL

11. Pvt. James Leeroy McTiernan, 1-23-1892--6-13-1958, from Illinois and enlisted in the US Army on 8-7-1918 and was discharged on 11-23-1918.  His service ID # 3773887.  He was in Company I, 3 Div Bn # 3, Camp Hearthur, TX.   The gravestone was sent to Wisconsin and he is buried in the Veterans Administration Cemetery in Wood, Wisconsin.

12.  George Thomas McTernan, 4-9-1897--1-14-1981, enlisted in the US Navy on 7-5-1918 and was released on 6-28-1919.  His SS # 358121698.  George was born in Morris, Illinois and lived at 525 Douglas St., Grundy, Illinois.  He was tall with brown hair and blue eyes.  A relative was listed as John McTernan.  Is in the T DNA Group.  see below

Draft Board Registration: Joseph McTernan, 12-29-1872--, lived at 603 Douglas, Grundy Co., IL.  Joseph was stout, short with dark hair and blue eyes.  He was a laborer at the Illinois Foundry in Morris, IL.  His NOK was Anna Hagen.  see above

News Jersey Veterans  10

1. Pvt John Francis McTernan Jr., 8-4-1895--9-26-1957, born in Newark, NJ he enlisted in the Utilities Detachment, US Army in Camp Travis, TX on 10-3-1918 and discharged on 12-13-1918,  service ID 3245487.  His address was 70 N.Y. Ave, Newark Co, Essex, NJ and at 985 Grove St., Irvington, Essex Co., NJ.  A John F. McTernan [father] living at 77 Steuben St., East Orange, NJ was listed as next of kin and a Mrs. Margaret McTernan [wife], 10 Marshall St., Irvington, NJ were listed as next of kin.  John was 5'11" tall, weighing 185 lbs.  listed as tall, medium build, black hair and brown eyes.  He worked for the Philadelphia Dairy Products Co., Inc at 4th & Popular St., Philadelphia, PA and at 596 Market St., Newark, Essex Co., NJ

2. Felix Joseph McTernan, 5-1-1884--1954, lived at 445 Livingston, Elizabeth City, NJ.  His relative was Helen McTernan most likely his wife.  Felix was medium height, brown hair and blue eyes.  Felix was a mail carrier.  His father was James and his mother was Bridget Moran.  His SS # 14328966.  He is buried at Mount Olivet Cemetery, Newark, Essex County, NJ

3. Frank J. McTernan, 5-30-1888--, born in Elizabeth, New Jersey, enlisted in the US Army, living at 231 Clark Pl.., Elizabeth, NJ.  He was not bald, had blue eyes and dark hair.  Frank was a steam fitter

4. John Francis McTernan, 1873--, from Newark, NJ.

5. John Francis McTernan, 1892--, from Newark, NJ.

6. John Francis McTernan, 1895--, from Newark, NJ.

7. James McTernan, 1898--, from Newark, NJ.

8. James McTiernan, 10-25-1896--, born in Morris Turnpike, Summit Co. NJ and lived in Union Co., NJ.  He was tall, medium build, gray eyes with dark brown hair.  His father's name was James who was born in Dublin, Ireland. 

9. Robert William McTiernan, 1898--, from Union Co., NJ.

10.  Pvt. John J. McTiernan, left Marseille, France on 6-23-1919  on the ship Regina De Itali and arrived on 7-9-1919 in New York.  John lived at 235 Bay Street, Jersey City, New Jersey.  He was in CO "E" 11TH ENGRS, SAINT AIGNAN CASUAL CO. 6939 PENNSYLVANIA, service ID 1614130    His sister Mrs. Grace Stevens was listed as next of kin.

Connecticut Veterans    8

1. James Joseph McTernan, 1889--, from Bridgeport, CT

2. John Joseph McTiernan, 1889--, from Bridgeport, CT

3. Pvt. John Jerome McTiernan, 6-24-1888--, born in Brooklyn, Kings Co, NY.  His father James J. McTiernan and mother Catherine McDermott both were born in Ireland.  John was a machinist and worked at the Colt Patten Fire Arms Co. in Hartford, CT.  John lived at 105 Capitol Ave, Hartford, CT before joining the Army and his current address is 33 Capitol Ave. Hartford, CT.  from Hartford, CT.  He enlisted on 4-26-1918 in Hartford, CT in the National Guard Infantry, Co G, 304 Inft. regiment, 76th Division at Camp Devins.  His ID number 2789256

4. Peter James McTiernan, 1879--, from Hartford, CT

5. Charles C. McTernan, 5-4-1882--, born in Foxboro, MA and living at 66 or 106 Columbia Blvd,  Waterbury, CT of The McTernan School  family.  He was 5'7" tall with brown hair and gray eyes weighing 175 lbs.  His occupation was listed as a teacher.

6. Frank A. McTiernan, 1892--, from 175 Columbus St., New Haven, CT.  Frank was a boilermaker's helper, 165 lbs., 5'10" tall.  He was married with one child. The records say he had lost a kidney and could swim.  

7. John McTiernan, 1880--, from Fairfield Co, CT.  Registered in 1917.

8. Bernard McTiernan, c. 1869--, from 149 Middletown Ave., New Haven, CT and had four people depending on him. Most likely a wife and 3 children.   Enlisted at 47 years on 2-19-1917.  His occupation was an oiler. He was 5' 8" tall and weighed 155 lbs.  Of all questions on the form asked like can you operate a steam engine the only one he said yes to was on riding a horse. 

California Veterans  7

1. George James McTiernan, 1899--, from San Francisco, CA

2. Pvt. William E. McTernan, 1891--,  in the US Army in the Machine Gun Co 162nd US Infantry 41st Division and was  from 278 Connecticut St, San Francisco, CA., his mother Katherine McTiernan was the next of kin.  On 12-12-1917 he departed Hoboken, New Jersey on the ship Antigone.   William was the grandfather of Dan and Jim (CA) in the T group.

3. Charles Henry McTernan, 12-8-1879--, lived at 1720 Newcomb Ave., San Francisco, CA.  His nearest relative was named Elizabeth McTernan.  He had brown hair and blue eyes, medium height.  Charles was a chauffeur and worked for the Emergency Hospital

4. James Cornelius McTernan, 12-22-1872--,  living at 176 TIFFANY Ave., San Francisco, CA.  He had a slender build, medium height with brown hair and blue eyes.  He was a shipfitter helper working at Schaw Hatcher Ship Building and married to Jenny McTernan.

5. Joseph James McTernan, 10-3-1883--, born in San Francisco, CA lived at 1218 New Hall St., San Francisco, CA.  Mrs. Cassie McTernan was NOK.  Joseph was retired.   He was 5'9" tall, weighing 210 lbs. with blue eyes and gray hair with a scar on his right cheek.

6. Thomas Francis McTernan, 1875--, from San Francisco, CA.  Registered in US Army

7. Michael McTernan, 1895--, from Sonorna Co., CA

Pennsylvania Veterans  6

1. Eugene Joseph McTiernan, 1877--, from Scranton, PA.

2. PFC  James A. McTiernan, 1893--10-8-1918, from 36 Wood St., Braddock, Alleghany Co., PA. His next of kin was his cousin Miss Mayme McTiernan.   James was in the Battery "D" 319th Field Artillery (Heavy) 82nd Division NA that departed on 5-19-1918 on the ship USS Lapland.  His service ID was 1913232.  James is buried in Plot C Row 9 Grave 24, Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne, France.

3. James S. McTiernan, 1881--, from Alleghany Co., PA

4. Patrick J. McTiernan, 1890--, from Alleghany Co., PA

5. John C. McTernan, 1894--, from Montgomery County, PA

6.  Joseph Aloysius McTernan, 10-24-1897--3-5-1964, in the US Navy.  Born in and enlisting in Cincinnati, Hamilton Co, OH on 8-8-1918. He died in Michigan and is buried in Forest Hill Cemetery, Houghton, Houghton County, Michigan.  His father was John and his mother was Catherine McCarthy.  He was discharged on 6-30-1919 in Pittsburgh, PA.  He was 5'7" tall, with blue eyes and brown hair. His occupation was a clerk.  His NOK was John McTernan his brother who lived at 1654 Edgewood, ??, OH.  His last residence was Michigan.  His SS # 364-12-7962  On 6-26-1935, in Houghton, OK, Joe married Selma E Peterson, 1899--, who was born in Hancock, Michigan.

Missouri Veterans    4

1. Hugh Patrick McTernan, 1889--, from Kansas City, MO

2. Roy McTiernan, 1892--, from Kansas City, MO

3. Sgt. Edwin J. McTernan, 5-30-1889--9-21-1948, served  in the Aviation Section, Sig. Corps in the 200th Aero Squadron, U.S. Army.  Edwin was buried in St. Mary's Cemetery in Kansas City, MO.  His wife was Rose E. McTernan, 3815 Central, Kansas City, Missouri.

4. John McTernan, 1893--, from St. Louis, MO.

Texas Veterans   4

1. Thomas Charles Michael McTiernan, 1899--, from Dallas, TX

2. John Patrick McTiernan, 1896--, from Nueces Co., TX

3. John Stretch McTernan, 5-26-1893--12-30-1957, born in Kansas City, MO, he enlisted on 4-26-1918 and discharged 6-4-1919 in the US Army, Co L, 355th Inf. of the 89th Division, service ID 2183592.  John was living at 2837 Park Ave in St. Louis, MO when he enlisted and working as a machinist for the Walbash RR.  John is buried in the Forest Park Cemetery, Houston TX.  John was married to Alma A. McTernan who lived at 906 Woodland St., Houston 9, TX.  His occupation was working for the T & NO Railroad in Valintine, TX.  He had a medium build and height with brown hair and blue eyes.  His father was Miles McTernan and his mother was Katherine Stretch.

4. Cpl. Hugh Joseph McTernan, 3-2-1888--11-28-1945, born in Kansas City, Missouri and enlisted in the US Army, Battery A, 45th Field Arty., 15th Division on 5-10-1918 and was discharged on 1-21-1919.  serial ID 1122266.  Hugh lived in Bexar County, Texas. Hugh is buried in Calvary Cemetery at 6901 Troost Ave., Kansas City, MO.  Hugh's wife or sister was Mrs. Grace McTernan, 848 West 57th St., Los Angeles, CA.  Hugh was tall with light brown hair and blue eyes but listed as having curvature of the spine.

Louisiana Veterans  2

1. Martin McTernan, 1877--, from New Orleans, LA.

2. Daniel McTernan, 1887--, from New Orleans, LA

New Hampshire   2

1, John McTiernan, 1884--, from Hillsborough CO., New Hampshire.

2. Harry Joseph McTiernan, 7-3-1895--, born in Manchester, New Hampshire but living 190 Payson Rd., Belmont, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts .  His wife's name was Frances and he worked at Chief Boiardi Quality Foods in Milton, MA.  He was 5'10" tall weighing 190 lbs with brown eyes, black hair and a ruddy complexion,

Michigan Veterans    1

1. John Francis McTernan, 1897--, from Detroit, MI

Oregon Veterans      1

1. Hugh McTiernan, 1876--, from Portland, Oregon

Georgia Veterans    1

1. John Joseph McTiernan, 1874--, from Atlanta, GA

Maine Veterans   1

1. John McTiernan, c. 1884--, from Maine and enlisted in 1906 in the US Army.

Unknown state:    11

1. P. McTiernan, unknown soldier

2. Frank McTiernan, --1917, US Army in The Great War, NARA ID M850, roll 1471, involved also in the War with Spain in the 1898 Spanish American War.

3. Cornelius McTiernan, --2-5-1927, US Navy, pension went to wife Catherine, NARA ID M850, roll 1471.  Cornelius was a coal heaver on the Navy ships: Carolina, Neptune & Powhatan

4. John J. McTiernan, enlisted in the US Navy service # 7165962 and served on the ship LST  1097

5. Ens. James A. McTernan, in 1918 served in the US Navy on the USS Vesndijk

6.  James A. McTiernan, 8-1-1894--11-7-1974, born in NYC, NY but lived at 803 E. Main St., Herkimer, NY and  enlisted in the US Armed Service  on 6-7-1917 and was released on 6-6-1921.  Medium height and build with black eyes and hair. SS # 66324985

7. Michael McTiernan, 8-17-1902--10-24-1982, enlisted on 11-28-1942  in the US Army and was released on 11-27-1944.  His SS # 66324985

8.  Lt. jg. James A. McTiernan,  served in the US Navy in 1919.

9.  J. McTiernan, military court or trial date in field 11-1-1916 ref # WO 213/12 .  Reg. K. O. Y. L. I. (T.F)

10.  Ensign J. A. McTiernan, served in US Navy in 1918. on the ship USS Veedyk 

11.  John McTernan, 8-11-1899--3-31-1984, on 4-19-1917 he enlisted in the US Army and was released on 2-18-1919.  His SS # 152095309.

Time between the World Wars   11

1. Cpl  James F. McTiernan,  USMC, enlisted in USMC on 10-27-1919 attached to the Third Company, Santa Domingo Reg.  August 1921 stationed at Quantico, VA  then Hingham, MA ammunition  depot and the Philippines and then at Company "A" Marine Detachment, American Embassy, Peiping, China. In 1933, attached to Marine Barracks, Naval Air Station, Sunnyvale, California and also stationed on the USS Henderson.  In 1-1937 sailed on Naval Transportation Service United States Ship Chaumont.  May be 2. below.

2.  Pvt. James F McTiernan, muster date of 4-1922 in 185th Company, Third Regiment, Second Brigade, U S Marines.  May be 1. above

3. PFC Joseph P. McTiernan, on 3-22-1923 enlisted in the USMC and was stationed in 13th Company, 1st Bn 10th Regiment, Mb Quantico, Virginia and Purto Rico.

4. Pvt. James P. McTiernan, USMC in 1926 stationed at the Portsmouth, NH naval prison.

5. Pvt William F. McTiernan, USMC, in 1930 stationed at the armory in Worcester, MA

6. W. P. McTiernan, was admitted to the USS Mercy Hospital ship sometime between 1921 - 1928.

7.  Pvt. John J. McTiernan, mustered on the ship Grant on 9-11-1937.  His serial number was 6717032

8. Thomas McTiernan, 6-14-1923--1-6-2009, enlised in the US Armed Service on 6-14-1938

9.  Patrick McTiernan, c. 1901--, in 1922 in Longford, Co Longford, Ireland joined the National Army.

10.  Patrick McTernan, -->1931, Queen's Royal West Surrey, ID number 813309. 

11.  John G. McTernan, 1890--, enlisted in Co D, 22nd Engineers, New York National Guard on 3-19-1920 in New York.

World War II, 1939-1945     207


1. Ordinary Seaman George McTiernan, 1922--3-9-1941, Royal Navy Patrol Service, H.M. Trawler Gullfoss. Service ID LT/JX 191731. Was the son of John and Annie McTiernan of Hull, England. Lost at sea.

2. Pvt. James McTiernan, 1916--1-16-1941, born in Dumbarton.  Border Reg., 5th Bn, service ID 2825031.  Son of Thomas and Annie McTiernan of Kirkintilloch, Dunbartonshire, Scotland.  Buried at Lowestoft Cemetery, Suffold, England. 

3.. Corporal Kenneth McTernan, 1925--10-17-1944, born in Wakefield and served in the East Yorkshire Regiment (Duke of York's Own) 2nd BN., service ID 14413570.  Died in action and buried in the Overloon War Cemetery, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands. Son of Arthur and Annie McTernan of Wakefield, Yorkshire, England.

4.  Gunner Michael McTernan, 1902--12-22-1940, born in Edinburgh, served in the Royal Artillery, 515 Bty. 83 Searchlight Reg. Service ID: 3057463.  The son of John McTernan and Mary Healy and the husband of Jane Milne McTernan of Edinburgh, Scotland.  Buried in the Mount Vernon Roman Catholic Cemetery with the tombstone having the Royal Artillery insignia and the family slogan " We will meet again".  The Great Grandfather of Katrina McTernan and the Grandfather of Dave McTernan who is currently to do the DNA test. .

5. Civilian Alfred McTernan, 1902--5-23-1943, died at Hotel Metropole, Holdenhurst Road, England.  Buried at Bournemouth, County Borough, Hampshire, England. Husband of M. McTernan of 163 Old Christchurch Rd,  Bournemouth, England.  In The T 2 DNA Group do to relating to Victor McTernan.

6.  Rifleman Charles C.  McTernan, 1914--7-18-1943, born in Glasgow. Royal Ulster Rifles, 1st Bn, The London Irish Rifles, service ID 7047075.  He was killed in action in Sicily and is buried in the Catania War Cemetery, Catania, Provincia di Catania, Sicily, Italy. Son of Charles and Margaret McTernan of Glasgow, Scotland.  The uncle of Terry McTernan in the T DNA Group.

7.  Corporal William Francis McTiernan, 4-24-1927-->1946, born in Tamworth, NSW, Australia.  Australian Army B883: Army, 2nd Al F, service ID NX208024.  William was married to Ethel McTiernan.

8. Lieutenant Allan Hugh McTernan, 7-14-1914-->1943, born in Mascot, NSW, Australia.  Enlisted in the Australian Army in Ingleburn, New South Wales, service ID NX101309.  S. McTernan next of kin.

9.  Pvt. Joan McTernan, 3-4-1922-->1944, born in Brisbane, QLD, Australia.  Australian Army, service ID QF143177.  Next of kin:  W. McTernan.

The next 7 individuals, 10. through and including 16. are all from the same family.

10. Warrant Officer Bernard McTernan, 5-26-1913--1987, born in Brisbane, QLD, Australia.  Royal Australian Air Force, service ID 426144.  Was flying out of Cunderdin, Western Australia in February 1945 His plane was the famous Lierator. Was mentioned in dispatches 5 separate times. Next of kin is his daughter, Valerie McTernan. Bernard is in the Ta DNA Group.

11. Pvt. Len McTernan, 4-30-1922-->1942, born in Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia.  Australian Army, 55 Bn., service ID N263932.  Next of kin: Margaret McTernan.  This is the family of Scott (AU) and Richard in the Ta DNA group.

12.  Lance Corporal Leon William McTernan, 10-3-1918--10-14-1982, born in Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia and died in NSW, Australia. Australian Army, service ID 212767.  Next of kin: his wife, Veronica Ellen Collins. Leon is the son of William Glennan McTernan who fought in the Great War and is in the Ta DNA Group. Acording to Margaret Donoghoe his niece, Uncle Bill was in the medical corp and was due to sail on the Hospital Ship which was sunk off the Australian Coast, fortunately he had been called back to the farm at Michelago as his father was very ill.  My father, Oscar Glennan McTernan, 11-8-1911--,   born in Boggabri, NSW had already left for New Guinea.  His service ID was N251520.  His wife Annie was NOK.

13. Signalman Oscar Glennan McTernan, 11-8-1911-->1945, born in Boggabri, NSW.  Australian Army, service ID N25120.  Enlisted in Ashfield, NSW and served in New Guinea.  Next of kin: his wife, Annie O'Keefe.  Oscar is in the Ta DNA group and the father of Margaret Donoghoe.  .

14. Pvt. Lynn Sylvester McTernan, 3-21-1901--2-21-1983, born in Michelago, NSW and died in Goulbum, NSW, Australia.  Australian Army, service ID N378496, B884: Army Citizen Military Forces.  Next of kin: his wife Iris Louise McTernan, nee Tozer, 5-10-1909--11-8-1998.  Lynn is in the Ta DNA Group.

15.  Corporal Anorah Veronica McTernan, 4-4-1920-->1946, born in Nowra, NSW, Australia.  Royal Australian Air Force, service ID 109459.  Enlistment in Sydney and date: 6-3-1943.  Next of kin, Leslie McTernan.  Anorah is in the Ta DNA Group. 

16. Pvt. William James Leo McTernan, 6-27-1920--7-8-2007, born in Goulburn, NSW.  Australian Army, HQ 2 Australian Corps, service ID NX136557.  Next of kin listed as Mary Alice McTernan, nee Goodwin, his mother.   William is in the Ta DNA Group.

17.  Sergeant William Alexander McTernan, 2-18-1909-->1945, born in Tarrawanna, NSW.  Australian Army, service ID N261473 1 Australian Garrison Bn.  He married Edna L Vine in 1933 in NSW.  Next of kin: Mary McTernan.

18. Marine Frank McTiernan, 1916--1943, died in W W II.

19. Seaman 1C Frank Aloysius McTiernan, 1-1913--2-2-1943, enlisted from New Jersey in the United States Navy Service ID 2250183 died in action, died in action and was  buried at sea, awarded the purple heart.  A plaque with his name is at  the Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial  on Madingley Road, Coton CB23 7PH, Cambridge, United Kingdom.  Frank's mother was Mrs. Elizabeth Diebel who lived at 23 Baltic St., Elizabeth, NJ.

20.  Pvt. James Joseph McTernan Jr, 6-24-1921--, lived in New Haven, CT and enlisted in the US Army on 2-26-1943 at Fort Devens, MA.  Had 3 years of college and was a bookkeeping machine operator.  5'1" tall and weighed 177 lbs. with blue eyes and blond hair.

21. PFC Harry Douglas McTernan, 1-12-1907--7-10-1979, enlisted on 3-13-1943 and was released on 9-10-1945 in the US Army Air Corps, interned in Golden Gate National Cemetery in San Bruno, CA.  His SS # is 547055715

22. Joseph James McTernan, 11-18-1914--6-12-1964, US Navy RM3 in World War II interned in Golden Gate National Cemetery in San Bruno, CA

23. Hugh A. McTernan, internment date is 6-15-1956, in Los Angeles Natiional Cemetery.

24. Janis M. McTernan, 9-10-1918--11-6-1996, of Kenvir, KY was interned in Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery, St. Louis, MO.

25. Chief Warrent Officer John Vincent McTernan, 7-17-1915--3-9-1980, born in Chicago, IL.  His parents were John J. McTernan and Catherine O'Donnell. Served in the US Army in World War II from 1-30-1943 to release on 6-3-1946.  Interned on 3-12-1980  in Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery, St. Louis, MO.  SS # 326036306.   He married Mary Janis Murphy on 10-2-1943 in Butte, Silver Bow, Montana.  He lived last in Belleville, Saint Clair Co, Illinois.

26.  John Francis McTernan, 11-9-1920--3-24-1904,  US Navy AD3 in World War II.  Interned in the Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell, FL

27.  John J. McTernan, 1922--, enlisted on 1-19-1940 in the US Army in World War II, interned or lived in Brazoria, NJ
and had
2 years of high school. 

28. Pvt. Langford McTernan Jr., 11-16-1926--, born in
Obion, Tennessee but was a residence of Hayti, Pemiscot Co., Missouri.  He enlisted in the US Army on 9-21-1945 at Jefferson Barracks, MO.  Serial ID: 37863153.  From Foard, MO and was married   He had 2 years of high school; and was 140lbs. and 5'2" tall with brown hair, blue eyes.  Next of kin was I L McTernan. 

29. Pvt. Hugh P. McTermnan, 1910--, was an Irish Free State citizen and enlisted in the
Corps of Engineers, US Army in NYC, NY on 8-27-1940 for the enlistment for the Panama Canal Department.  Serial ID was 12007844.  He had 2 years of high school and was an elevator operator.  He was 5'9" tall and weighed 150 lbs. Some connection to town of Cameron.

30.  Gertrude McTiernan, 5-11-1924--9-29-1996, enlisted in the US Navy on 11-4-1944 and was released on 5-10-1945.  Her SS # 204147590.

31. John McTiernan, 9-19-1924--1-7-1993, joined the US Navy on 11-21-1942 and was released on 11-18-1947.  His SS # 103247050
32. Leiutenant Commander Thomas Joseph McTiernan, 5-11-1911--[5-25-1911--]--4-11-1977, born in Boston, MA.  On 4-10-1942 enlisted in the US Navy during WW II and was released on 6-30-1967.  Is in the T3 DNA Group.  SS # 012181662

33. Pvt. / Trooper J. McTernan, 1942 was a trooper in the Calvary of the Line and in 1945 was a Pvt. in the Royal Army Veterinary Corps.  Service ID is 404372 same as The Great War entry

34. John Richard McTernan, 1924--1954, served in both the Royal Air Force during WW II as a Flight Sergeant Air Gunner and he also served in the British Army after WW11 as part of the UN Forces fighting in the Korean campaign.  The medals John received.  The son of John McTernan and Catherine Smith and the father of Robert & Glenis Richards in the T3 DNA Group.

Ensign Hugh J. McTiernan Jr.,  7-1918--, commission on 5-5-1942.  From NY, NY.  Sailed on board the Navy minesweeper YMS-18 on 7-31-1942.  Service ID 119743 and was mustered on to the USS Richard B. Anderson on 8-1-1946.

Ensign Thomas J. McTiernan,  5-1911--, served in the US Navy.

37.  Francis J. McTernan Jr., 1914--,
commissioned officer in the US Navy.

Pvt. Francis L McTiernan, 1918--, from and enlisted in Worcester, MA on 1-10-1941.  Had 1 year of college and worked in unskilled occupations in manufacture of textiles, n.e.c..  He was 5'11" tall and weighed 175 lbs. 

39. War Substantive Flying Officer M. J. McTernan, officer in 1945 in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, General Duties Branch, Flight Engineers

40.  Staff / Sgt James McTernan, in US Army in China predicting the weather.for the next day's operation, on right.  James is related to JimT so he is in the T2 DNA group baseline.

41.  1st Lt. John W. McTernan, 1943 look to be stationed in Iceland. 

42.  Gerald John McTernan, 2-11-1906--, born in NYC.   Dorothy was the name of Gerald's wife and his occupation was Orchestra Leader. In 1940 their address was Broad St., Southern Pines, Moore Co, North Carolina,  Gerald was 5'5" tall and weighed 130 lbs. with hazel eyes, brown hair and a light complexion.

43.  SK2c James J. McTernan, served in the US Navy on the ship USS Kershaw around 1945 and 1946.  Service ID 904230

44.  Ensign Francis J. McTernan Jr., 7-1914--, served in the US Navy in 1943 and sailed on the USS President Jackson out of Noumes, New Caldonia and the Solomon Islands.

45.  Francis J. McTernan, Jr., served in the US Navy on the USS New Orleans and on 11-20-1942 the USS Republic.

46.  Raymond Walter McTernan, 6-5-1914--7-28-1995, enlisted on 11-30-1942 and was released on 9-27-1945.  Served in the US Navy on the USS John Penn in July 1943.  Service ID 7082215. The ship was sunk by the enemy on 8-13-1943.  His SS # 144070487

47.  Pvt. Edward R McTiernan, 1922--, lived in Erie, NY but enlisted in the US Army on 11-10-1942 in Buffalo, NY.  He had 3 years of high school and was a electrician.  He was 5' 8" tall and weighed 137 lbs. 

48. Lt. jg. Hugh Augustus McTernan, 5-30-1890--6-13-1956, born in NY and living at 1315 E 27 St., Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY.  He had brown hair and gray eyes with medium build.  He enlisted in the US Coast Guard on 8-30-1917 and being discharged on 11-1-1943.  Buried in VA Cemetery, Los Angeles, CA

49.  James McTernan, 1923--, the father of Dan and Jim (CA) in the T DNA group.

50   Lt. Col. William R. McTernan, c. 1901--, service ID 0204478, on 10-11-1920 enlisted in NYC, NY and served in Troop C, 1st Cav, US Army and retired on 1-31-1957

51. Private J. McTernan, POW in Germany

52.  Malcolm B. McTernan, from Andover, MA and served in the US Armed Forces from 1942 to his discharge in 1946. 

53. Bernard Francis McTernan, 1898--, born in Boston, MA.

54. Bernard Jerome McTernan, 9-30-1885--10-1970, born in Melvin, IL  and lived at 34 Brookside Ave., Jamaica Plain, Suffolk Co., MA..  He weighed 170 lbs, 5'11" tall, with dark brown hair and blue eyes.  His wife was Margaret Bollard with a child, Margaret B. McCarthy.  He was a Lieutenant in the Boston Protective Dept. at 40 Purchase St., Boston, MA.  His SS  021-10-5860.  He also lived at 410 Weld St, West Roxbury, MA but his last residence in MA was at 2132 West Roxbury, Suffolk Co., Massachusetts,

55. Charles McTernan, --1943, in 1940 was in the Royal Artillery and most likely was killed in 1943

56. Edward McTernan, British Royal Artillery

57. Farrel McTernan, Britixh Army records, out of Edinburgh Pais.

58.  J. McTernan, POW in Germany

59. James McTernan, was in the Royal Marines and received a pension in 1944. 

60. Francis McTiernan, in the Royal Artillery in 1940.

61.  James McTiernan, in Royal Artillery in 1941.

62. Henry McTiernan, British Army

63.  John James McTiernan, British Royal Artillery

64. Fusilier J. J. McTernan, Royal Fusiliers in 1944 with service ID of 5052486

65.  Michael McTernan, served on HMS Norfolk.  Was listed as a living veteran in 1972.

66.  John Peter McTiernan, 6-12-1896--, Army Home Guard, Durham 2nd Battalion

67. Frederick McTernan, 8-4-1908--, was in the Durham Home Guard, 18th Battalion

68. Joseph McTernan, 5-12-1923--, was in the Durham Home Guard, 6th Battalion.

69. Merchant Seaman John Arthur McTernan, 5-1-1926--, fighting for the British.  Discharge number R302101

70. John McTernan, Jr., 1-31-1924--, borm in Springwell, Co Durham, England.  He was in the Durham Home Guard, 23rd Battalion.  May be related to Lance Corporal James McTernan in the Great War War as he was from Springwell also.

71.  Girard McTiernan, served and died in the war.  Was from New York and the uncle of MattT who is in the T DNA Group

72. John McTiernan, served and died in the war.  Was the uncle of MattT who is in the T DNA Group

73.  Hugh III McTernan, served in the US Coast Guard around 1944.  The father of Hugh McTernan in the T DNA Group.

74. Francis Joseph McTernan, 1917--, Served in the US Army during WW II.  The father of John-Rev McTernan who is in the T Group baseline. 

75. Michael McTernan, served in the RAF from 1939 till the close of the war.  Son of Charles and Margaret McTernan of Glasgow, Scotland.  The father of Terry McTernan in the T DNA Group.

76. John Joseph McTiernan, 7-7-1889--, born in Charlestown, MA

77. Captain  John J. McTiernan Jr.., --9-17-1944, served in the US Army in the 361st Infantry Regiment, 91st Infantry Division and was killed in Italy.  Service ID number O-388764.  John was awarded the Purple Heart and buried in Florence American Cemetery, Florence, Italy. .

78.  James McTiernan, 4-12-1877--, lived at 413 Walpole, Canton, Norfolk Co., MA.  James was Stout, tall with dard hair and blue eyes.  His wife's name was Mary S.

79. Seaman 1st Class Frank A. McTiernan, killed while in the US Navy and buried at Sea.  Service ID 2250183

80.  Staff Sargent Patrick McTiernan, served in the USMC forces in October 1952 in Japan and maybe Korea and then in 10-4-1954 in USMC HQ in Washington, DC..  Service ID 1116918

81.  PFC James F. McTiernan, Muster date of 11-1928 serving in Marine Barracks, Navy Yard, Portsmouth, N H

82. Seaman James Augustine McTiernan, mustered on board the US Navy  ship Jenks on 10-5-1944, service ID 8004786,  Persent rating was FC3c

83. Seaman Francis [Lavier] Xavier McTiernan, muster date was 11-1-1944 on the US Navy ship Buckley, service ID 9234949 with a rating of F1c

84.  Daniel McTiernan, 11-18-1911--12-26-1980, on 2-16-1942 enlisted in the US Navy and was released on 12-3-1946.  His SS # 86032995

85. SVV6 John Joseph McTiernan Jr., US Navy, service number 8085732 mustered on board the Yosemite on 6-30-1944.

86.   Corporal Girard John McTiernan, 5-15-1923--7-23-1944,  inducted into the USMC, service ID 439693  from New York in Company C, First Battalion, Twenty First Marines(Rein) Third Marine Division, Fleet Marine Force and is buried in Honolulu, Hawaii at the National Memorial Cemetery of Pacific, Territory of Hawaii (Honolulu), Plot M, Row 0, Grave 699,  Received the Purple Heart Medal.  His father was John F. McTiernan who lived at 348 12th St., Brooklyn, NY

87. Pvt. Thomas McTernan, 1916--, born in and living in Westchester Co., New York when he enlisted on 9-7-1943 in NYC. 

88. Private Thomas J. McTiernan, 8-14-1908--7-17-1997, lived in Oneida, NY and enlisted in the US Army on 1-21-1943 How Co 165th Infantry and was released on 12-1-1945.  Thomas' SS # is 713097072. He was 5'7" and weighed 139 lbs. and in civilian life was an unskilled machine shop worker and related occupations.

89. Seaman Francis James McTiernan, served in the US Navy on the ship USS Morris in 1945.  His service ID is 8107024

90. S. Staffs. Francis McTiernan, Regiment number 1647400, Queen's Royal West Surrey.  Put on reserve on 9-19-1946.

91. Pvt. Joseph McTiernan, 1902--, born in NY and enlisted in Fort Jay Governors Island.  Joseph was 5'5" tall and weighed 130 lbs.  He had 2 years of high school and his occupation was gardeners and grounds keepers, parks, cemeteries, etc.

92. Pvt. John J. McTiernan, 3-26-1910--11-27-1974, enlisted in NY in the US Army on 4-3-1942 or 6-8-1942 and was discharged on 10-22-1945.  His SS # was 50244418.  John had 4 years of high school and worked as a foreman in construction.  He was 5' 8" tall, weighing 149 lbs.

93. S2oV6 Thomas Edward McTiernan, 2-5-1920--2-3-1979, born in Brooklyn, NY, father was Patrick J. McTiernan and his mother was Frances Elchorn. Enlisted on 2-6-1942 in New York, NY in the US Navy and served on the USS Indiana 11-9-1942 .  Mustered on to the USS Gilliam on 10-1-1945 and the USS Fargo on 6-24-1948.  Service ID 6466779.   SS # 59125983 issued in New York.

94. Thomas F. McTiernan, 5-19-1905--1-10-1943, enlisted in the US Army in Co. A, 7th Regt. on 1-24-1941 and died not in the line of duty.  Thomas lived at 7101 Colonial Road, Brooklyn, NY

95. Joseph McTiernan, 6-27-1920--11-28-1995, SS number 14187648.  Was a veteran in US service.

96.  Ensign Malcolm B. McTernen Jr., 9-1913, served in the US Navy [note the surname spelling]

97.  PFC. John J. McTiernan, c. 1888--, in the Quartermaster Corps on board the US Navy ship Madawaska that went from Manila, Philippines to San Francisco, California.  Enlisted on 7-7-1916 in NY.

98. Maurice McTiernan, 1-18-1922--7-17-1983, joined the US Army on 10-26-1942 and was released on 12-12-1945.  His SS number was 84182935

99. James McTiernan, 1-23-1922--5-22-1997, enlisted in the US Armed Service on 12-9-1942.  SS number 18144274.

100. Seaman A. Ruszczyk McTiernan, served on the USS Albany in 1956.

101.  Francis Xavier McTiernan, 2-17-1923--5-9-1987, born in Swissvale, Allegheny Co, Pennsylvania and was living at 2314 Woodstock Ave., Swissvale when he enlisted on 1-5-1944 and was released on 4-14-1946 from the US Navy.  His service number is 9234949.  Listed his wife Patricia and daughter Frances Terrri.  SS # 162180958. Items 100, 101 & 102 may be related.

102. Pvt. James Anthony McTiernan, 6-13-1910--, born in Braddock, Pennsylvania with a height of 5'9", ruddy complain, blue eyes and blond hair.  His wife's name was Loretta and they lived in Swissvale, Allegheny Co, Pennsylvania at time of enlistment.  James died of his wounds.  Items 100, 101 & 102 may be related.

103.  Seaman Vincent Paul McTiernan, 1-19-1920--9-3-1997, born in
Swissvale, Allegheny Co, Pennsylvania and on 1-19-1921 mustered in the US Navy on to the ship USS Antaeus on 10-27-1944 and discharged on 6-2-1946 in Bainbridge, MD.  Service ID number 9246731.  Vincent lived at 2445 Braddock Ave. or 2411 Woodstock Ave. , Swissvale, PA.  SS # 172121495. Items 100, 101 & 102 may be related.

104.  Edward McTiernan, 11-10-1917--11-15-1996, enlisted in the US Army on 2-3-1942 and was released on 1-7-1946.  His SS # 60127851

105. Pvt. James J. McTiernan, 3-8-1904--11-12-1993, lived in New York and enlisted in the US Army on 9-19-1942 in Fort Jay Governors Island and was released on 4-15-1943.  His SS # 89200158.  He had 2 years of high school and was 5' 4" tall weighing 177 lbs.  Civil occupation was Canvassers and solicitors.

106.  Lorenzo Edward McTiernan, 11-4-1918--3-27-1999, born in  Bridgeport, Connecticut and enliusted in the US Army on 11-8-1939 and was released on 12-15--1945. He worked for the Hemco Plastic Div. of the The Bryant Electric Company.  He was 5'8" tall, weighed 184 with brown eyes and black hair with a ruddy complexion.  His father was John McTiernan.  SS # 44058480

107.  Lt. jg.Thomas Joseph McTiernan, from Boston and was mustered into the US Navy on 11-3-1944 serving on the minesweeper YP-416. Service ID 236867 or 6060898

108.  Pvt. John J. McTiernan, 11-10-1910--6-15-1985, from Suffolk Co., NY enlisted in the US Army on 6-8-1942 in NY and was released on 11-3-1945. SS # 103106682.  He had 4 years of high school, weighed 149 lbs. and was 5'8" tall.  He was a foremen in construction

109.  Pvt. Francis J McTiernan, 1915--, born in Troy, Rensselaer Co., NY and enlisted on 12-5-1942 in the US Army. He had 4 years of high school and in civilian life he was Paymasters, payroll clerks, and timekeepers.  He was  5'7" tall and weighed 209 lbs.  His father may have been Frederick Joseph McTernan, 6-14-1893--, born in Troy, NY that lived at 3312 7th Ave., Troy, Rensselaer Co., NY.  later Frederick was living at 560 Liberty St., Schnecity, NY Francis was 5'8" tall, gray eyes, black hair, ruddy complexion and weighed 160 lbs.

110.  Cox. V6 James Leo McTiernan, enlisted in the US Navy in Boston, MA on 12-12-1941 and on 3-31-1943 mustered on to the ship Prometheus and also on 3-31-1942 mustered on to the USS Quincy and on 9-30-1943 was mustered on to the ship Relief.  Service ID 6060511.

111.  John McTiernan, 12-22-1907--5-9-1981, enlisted on 8-10-1943 in the US Army and was released on 12-25-1945.  His SS # 99070213

112.  Mary McTiernan, 6-27-1923--3-12-1972, enlisted in US Armed Services on 11-6-1943 and was released on 4-24-1946.  SS # 71186218

113.  Pvt. Edmund McTiernan, 6-22-1919--3-27-1995, in the US Army from 9-14-1942 to 9-1-1945.  SS number 120076386.  He had 4 years of high school and was a stenographers and typists.  He was 5'10" tall and weighed 134 lbs.

114.  BM2c James L. McTiernan, in the US Navy and on 9-5-1942 mustered on the ship Solace which sailed on 8-29-1943

115.  Seaman Patrick J. McTiernan, mustered on the ship Hanson on 10-17-1948 with serial number 7179818.

116. Pvt. 
Donald F McTiernan, 11-4-1923--1-30-1981, lived in Worcester, MA and enlisted in the US Army on 3-22-1943 or 11-30-1942 at Fort Devens, Massachusetts and was released on 2-23-1946. Donald had one year of college and his occupation was an Actor.  He was single and weighed 108 lbs.  SS # 33122008

117.  Seaman John McTiernan, 11-29-1925--4-20-1992, enlisted in the US Navy on 10-19-1943 and was released on 4-16-1946.  His SS # was 049122110. 

118.  Sc1 V6 John Francis McTiernan, enlisted in the US Navy on 11-21-1942 and was mustered on the ship Franklin on 6-30-1944, service ID 7095199

119.  Pvt. 
Holl S [Hollis]  E McTiernan, 1910--, from Missouri but lived in Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois.  He enlisted on 6-26-1942 in the US Army in Chicago.  He had 2 years of college and was divorced.  He was 5'11" tall weighing 218 lbs.  His civil occupation was being an authors, editor or reporter

120.  Thomas McTiernan, 7-8-1905--5-23-1993, enlisted in the US Navy on 1-1-1920 and was released on 1-1-1923.  His SS # was 65091486.

121.  Pvt. Robert S McTiernan, 1911--, living in Pennsylvania and enlisting on 4-11-1942 in New Cumberland, Pennsylvania

122.  Charles McTiernan, 2-18-1926--6-6-2006, enlisted in the US Navy on 11-14-1944 and released on 7-3-1946.

123.  John McTernan, 8-10-1927--10-5-2005, enlisted in the US Navy on 6-12-1945 and was released on 7-21-1946.

124.  AOM3c V-6 James J. McTiernan, Jr. , enlisted on 9-30-1942 and served on the Navy USS Lexington.  Service ID 6666661

125. Pvt. Francis McTiernan, 1926--, lived in Suffolk Co., Massachusetts when he enlisted in the US Army on 3-23-1944 at Fort Devins, MA.  Francis had 4 years of high school and his occupation was stenographer and typist and was single.

126. Pvt. John J McTiernan Jr., 1914--, living in Suffolk Co, Massachusetts when he enlisted on 5-25-1943 in Boston.  John was single with dependents had 3 years of college and was a salesman to consumers and weighed 110 lbs.

John McTiernan, in the Australian forces from 1939 to 1948.  A6770: RAN, Petty Officer.  Service ID R85116 and enlisted in Sydney. A child Moya Deirdre McTiernan, 1-25-1941--, born in Orange New South Wales

128. Charles McTiernan, 2-7-1912--11-28-1978, enlisted in the US AF on 4-6-1942 and was released on 1-19-1946.  His SS # 112010661.  He lived at 11722 Central Islip, Suffolk, New York.

129. Cox. John F. McTiernan, served in the US Navy on the USS Terror.  Service ID 7095199.

Pvt. Douglas W. McTiernan, 11-8-1918--, born in NYC, NY and lived at 6 Catherine Slip, New York, New York.  Douglas enlisted in the US Army on 10-8-1940 with service number of 20250181 in Company A, 165th Infantry.  He is buried in the Long Island National Cemetery, Farmingdale, Long Island, New York.  He was 5' 4" tall weighing 126 lbs.  He finished grammar school and his occupation was Architect.  

131.  Joseph E McTiernan, 1920--, born in Suffolk Co., Massachusetts.  Enlisted in Boston on 10-15-1940 in the Coast Artillery Corps. He had 3 years of college and was single and an actor.  He was 6' 4" tall weighing 159 lbs.

Pvt. Eugene R McTiernan, 1920--, lived in Queens, NY and enlisted in NYC on 12-10-1942 in the US Army being 6' tall and 136 lbs.  He had done post graduate work also.  Very similar to the one below

Pvt. Eugene R McTiernan, 1919--, from Essex Co., New Jersey.  Enlisted on 4-30-1941 in Newark, NJ.  He had 1 year of college and his occupation was Chemists, assayers, and metallurgists.  He was 5'5" tall and weighed 119 lbs.  Very similar to the one above

Joseph A McTiernan, 1912--, living in Suffolk Co., MA when on 10-15-1940 in Boston he joined the Coast Artillery Corps.  He had 3 years of high school and was 6'1" tall weighing 140 lbs.

135. Pvt. Melvin McTiernan, 10-12-1916--7-25-2007, lived at 7036 Linden, Union Co., New Jersey, enlisted in NY in the US Army on 4-1-1942 in Fort Jay Governors Island, NY and was released on 12-29-1945.  In civilian life his occupation was semiskilled mechanics and repairmen, motor vehicles.  He was 5'9" tall and weighed 169 lbs.

John McTiernan, 10-9-1914--9-2-1978, enlisted in the US Army on 5-25-1943 and was released on 4-16-1946.  His SS # 28092642

137.  John McTiernan, 6-16-1922--12-15-2008, enlisted in the US Navy on 7-1-1943 and was released on 5-31-1947. 

Hugh McTiernan, 7-8-1918--11-9-2003, enlisted in the US Navy on 1-22-1942 and was released on 12-11-1945.  Hugh  served as commanding officer (Lt. Commander)  aboard the minesweeper YMS 126 in the Aleutian Islands, October 1944 to August 1945. I believe at one point he was near Attu. He had a photo of the one lone tree on the island.  Hugh is in the T2 DNA Group

139. Patrick Joseph McTiernan Jr., 11-30-1890--6-19-1959, born in
East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and enlisted in the US Navy serial number 158157 or 1326999 serving aboard 3 USS ships:  UDD Missouri, USS North Dakota, USS Sonoma.  Patrick's parents were Patrick & Anna McTiernan.  Patrick lived in Frederick Co., VA after discharge.  Patrick is buried in Winchester National Cemetery in VA.

140. Pvt. John T McTiernan, 1907--, born in the Irish Free State and lived in Kings Co., NY.  Enlisted on 7-20-1943 in the US Army.  He had one year of high school and was a retail manager in civilian life.

141.  John McTiernan, 6-16-1922--12-15-2008, enlisted in the US Navy on 7-1-1943 and was released on 5-31-1947. 

142. EM2c Thomas J. McTiernan, mustered in the US Navy ship YP-416 on 4-10-1942 in Boston, MA.   His service ID was 6060898

143.  John G McTiernan, enlisted in in the US Navy in Hartford, CT on 10-12-1943 and  mustered on the USS Humboldt on 1-5-1944.  Service ID # 6432899  or 44388?9

144.  S1c James L McTiernan, enlisted in the US Navy on 12-12-1941 in Boston, MA and on 12-31-1943 was mustered on to the USS Port Whangarei.

145. Pvt. Edward J McTiernan, 1917--, born in Connecticut, lived in Queens, NY and enlisted on 2-3-1942 in Fort Dix, NJ.  He had 4 years of high school and was 5'8" tall and weighed 133 lbs.

Pvt. Edward J McTiernan, 1924--, born and lived in Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY when he enlisted in the US Army on 6-17-1943.

Edward McTiernan,  6-27-1909--9-1-1977, enlisted in the US Armed service on 12-24-1945.  His SS # 65031898

148.  F1c John Joseph McTiernan, 1927--2005, mustered on to the US Navy on the sea-going tug USS Chawasha on 1-1-1946.  Serial number 7165982.  Is in the T DNA Group and brother to # 147. see below.

149.  Corpsman William M. McTiernan. 1925-->1946, US Navy Corpsman Hospital Apprentice First Class who served in the U.S. Navy from November 1943 until May 1946. He also worked with many Marine units as a pharmacist's mate (corpsman) 1St Medical Battalion, 1St Marine Division, Fmf, C/O Fpo, San Francisco, California. He was stationed in the Pacific (Guam and China) and took part in the Battle of Okinawa. Is in the T DNA Group and brother to # 146. see above

150.  Major Phillip R. McTiernan, 3-6-1917--4-8-1975, born in Massachusetts.  Served in the  Army National Guard.   His SS # 10182168.  same as 148\9 below ?

151.  Pvt. Phillip McTiernan, 1917--, lived in Suffolk Co., MA and enlisted in the US Army Coast Artillery Corps or US Army Mine Planter Service on 10-15-1940 in Boston, MA.  He had 3 years of college was a teacher.  He was 5'11" tall and weighed 160 lbs.  same as 148 above. ?

152. Technical Sargent Patrick J. McTiernan, USMC in the HQ company and at  Hqco 2Dmar 2Dmar div Fmf, Camlej, service ID 1116918  muster date 7-1958

153.  Warrent Officer Patrick J. McTiernan, 4-24-1930--6-20-1980, enlisted in the USMC on 5-19-1947 Service ID # 99060, SS # 59249642. 

154. Joseph McTiernan, 10-25-1912--3-7-1981, enlisted on 9-16-1940 in the US Armed Services and was released on 3-21-1941.  His SS # 19107274

155. Eugene James McTiernan, 9-15-1913--9-8-1987, born in Scranton, Lackawanna, Co., PA and while living at 419 17th St., Scranton, PA he enlisted in the US Army on 3-15-1943 and was released on 11-5-1945.  His service ID # 33603151.  He was living in 1950 at 1406 Division St., Scranton, PA along with his mother Elizabeth. SS # 170098237

James McTiernan, 3-24-1917--1-1-2001, enlisted in the US Navy on 12-12-1941 and was released on 9-19-1944.  SS # 13071195

157.  Pvt. John P McTiernan, 1910--, born in Connecticut but was living in Queens, NY when he enlisted in the US Army on 4-3-1942 at Fort Jay Governors Island, NY.   Finished grammar school and was a semiskilled chauffeurs and drivers, bus, taxi, truck, and tractor.  He was 5'2" tall weighing 145 lbs.

Edward McTiernan, 1-16-1922--2-21-1985, enlisted in the US Army on 11-10-1942 and was released on 10-31-1945. SS #58147167

Frank McTiernan, 1-14-1926--5-11-2002, enlisted in the US Army on 3-23-1944 and was released on 5-31-1945. 

James McTiernan, 8-29-1927--1-27-2001, enlisted in the US Army.  SS # 79228316

161.  Pvt. John F. McTiernan, was issued a medal for his service in WW II on 8-28-1940.  John lived at 166 St. Anns Ave., Bronx, NY

162.  Staff Sergeant John L McTiernan Jr., 1920--, from Massachusetts and enlisted in the US Army on 8-29-1942 in Providence, RI in the US Army Air Corps and a POW during WW II held in Germany and his area of action was the Middle East Theatre: Rumania.  He had 4 years of high school and his occupation was semiskilled pattern and model maker, except paper.  He was 5'8" tall and weighed 159 lbs.

163. Pvt. John F McTiernan, 1899--, born in Suffolk Co., MA and enlisted in the US Army on 10-6-1942 in Boston, MA .  He finished grammar school and his work was as an unskilled non process occupations in manufacturing.  He was 142 lbs. and 5'6" tall

164.  Pvt.  Joseph McTiernan, 1902--born in NYC, NY and enlisted in NY on 9-1-1942 in the US Army at Fort Jay Governors Island.  Joseph had 2 years of high school and was a gardeners and grounds keepers, parks, cemeteries, etc.  He was 130 lbs. and 5'5" tall.

165.  Pvt. Michael J McTiernan, 1902--, born and lived in Kings Co, NY.  He enlisted in the US Army in NY on 11-28-1942.  He was single with dependents and a carpenter being 5'10" tall weighing 132 lbs.

Pvt. Eugene J McTiernan, 1913--, on 4-8-1943 in Wilkes Barre, PA he enlisted in the US Army.

167.  S2c. Hugh J McTiernan, in the US Navy and served aboard the USS Barton on 4-1-1946.  Service ID 9113498

168.  Pvt. 
James F McTiernan, 1914 [1917]--, from Suffolk Co., Massachusetts.  Enlisted on 9-16-1940 [4-11-1942] in Boston in the US Army Coast Artillery Corps.  James had 4 years of college and was 5'9" tall and weighed 152 lbs.  He was a shipping and receiving clerk. 

William Myles McTiernan, mustered on the US Navy ship Samaritan on 3-27-1946.  Service ID number 7119382

Frank J McTiernan, 4-16-1918--, born in NYC, NY and living at 287 Audubon Ave., NYC. .  He enlisted in the New York Guard on 1-14-1942 in NYC, NY.  He was in Co L 7th Regt.  same as below two.

171.  Corporal  William Francis McTernan, 10-17-1921--9-16-1944, United States Marine killed in action on Peleliu Island in the sourth Pacific  in W.W. II.  He was in Company "G", Second Battalton, First Marine Division, Fleet Marine Force and received the Purple Heart Medal, service # 348801.  The son of Mr. & Mrs. David J. McTernan who lived at 3 Beckwith Circle, Somerville, Boston, MA. David was in the Navy and was wounded in the Great War.  McTernan street in Cambridge, MA is named after William and he also has a monument at Fort William Mckinley, Manila, the Philippines..  William is in the Te DNA group.  His relative Myles was one of the few survivors of a B-52 where the crew had to ditch the plane in the Viet Nam War.

172.  Pvt. William F McTernan Jr, 1921--, was living in Providence, RI when he enlisted in the US Army on 7-3-1942.  He had 1 year of college and was a surveyor at 5'8" tall weighing 166 lbs.  He is part of the T DNA Group.

173.  Pvt. Francis M. McTernan, 5-19-1915--8-26-1987, from Massachusetts and enlisted on 6-23-1942 in Boston in the US Army and was released on 11-15-1945.  His SS # 18106045.  He had 3 years of high school and worked in the printing and publishing business.  He was 5'9" tall weighing 136 lbs.

174. Pvt. Francis McTernan, 1917--, a native of the Irish Free State but living in San Francisco, CA when he enlisted in the US Army on 11-19-1942.  He finished grammar school and his civil occupation was unskilled fabrication of metal products.  He was 5'11" tall and weighed 149 lbs.

175  Josephine McTernan, 8-5-1918--2-8-1993, enlisted in the USMC on 7-26-1943 and was released on 1-7-1945.  Her SS # 345098298

176. Pvt. Thomas F McTernan, 1908--, born in Suffolk Co., MA.  Enlisted on 10-2-1944 in Massachusetts in the US Army.  Thomas had 3 years of high school and was married.  He was a semiskilled construction machinery operator.

177. Pvt. Francis K McTernan, 1915--, born in New Jersey but lived in Hillsborough, NH.  Enlisted in the US Army on 3-25-1942 in Manchester, NH.  He had 2 years of high school and was married.  He was 5'9" tall and weighed 141 lbs. 

178.  Roy McTernan, 5-22-1923--3-4-1983, enlisted on 5-5-1943 and was released on 10-10-1945.  His SS # 146184506

179.  Erit McTernan, 10-11-1927--, born in Brooklyn, NY.  He enlisted on 10-23-1944 in Queens Village, NY in the NY Guard Service.  He was in 5th Truck Co QMC. 

180. Hugh McTernan, 12-27-1910--5-9-1985, enlisted in the US Army on 8-27-1939 and was released on 6-30-1945.  His SS # 58017305

181.  John McTernan, 4-20-1908--12-19-1988, enlisted in the US Navy on 4-18-1943 and was released on 10-9-1945.  His SS # 86092047

182.  David J McTernan, 1920--, From New Jersey and enlisted in the US Army on 10-7-1942 in Newark, NJ. 

183. Francis J. McTiernan, 4-16-1918--10-11-1982, born in NYC, NY.  Enlisted in the US Navy on 5-5-1943 or 1-14-1942 and was released on 11-5-1945.  His SS # 89051688.  same as above or below

184. Pvt. Frank J McTiernan, 1907--, born in Suffolk Co., NY.  Enlisted on 5-12-1942 in Fort Jay Governors Island, NY in the US Army.  He finished grammar school and was 5'5" tall weighing 146 lbs.  His occupation was semiskilled chauffeurs and drivers, bus, taxi, truck, and tractor. Same as above two

185.  Mechanic Frank Martin McTiernan, 6-5-1887--, lived at 803 E. Main St., Little Falls, NY.  He was drafted in the US Army; Camp Devens 9-9-1917; branch of service, 303rd Reg. 76th Division, Mechanic; transferred to 161st Infantry Division; overseas, Transport Service; Supply Company. On 7-6-1918, from Montreal, Canada, Frank left on the USS Burma as a mechanic with Company B, Co B 303rd Infantry Regiment.  Then in 1919 left from Brest, France on the US ship ORTEGA to come home.  His service ID was 1660023 Frank lived at 803 East Main Street in Little Falls New York.  His brother Thomas P McTiernan was listed as next of kin.  This is part of Jim III's family in the T3 DNA group.

186. S2c Charles Robert McTiernan, joined the US Nave and mustered onto the ship Macon on 7-1-1946.  Service ID 8977561  Is in Jim III's family and therefore in the T3 DNA Group

187. Lt. jg. John Campbell McTiernan, 1922--, Commissioned officer in the US Navy. Reported for duty 12-24-1944 on the ship Dortch.  Is in Jim III's family and therefore in the T3 DNA Group.

188. Pvt. Donald McTernan, 1919--, born in New Haven, CT and enlisted in Hartford, CT on 10-17-1941.  Donald had 2 years of college and was a sports instructor and official.  He was 5'8" tall, weighing 153 lbs. 

189. Edward K. McTernan, 9-2-1928--, born in Cumberland, MD and was living at 110th Rd.,  Queens Village, NY when he enlisted in Co A, 4th Regiment, NY Guard on 9-26-1945. 

190. 1st Lt. Walter Frank McTernan Jr. , 3-17-1923--2-6-2005, born in Glendale NY and enlisted in the US Air Force on 6-3-1943 and was released on 12-13-1957.   Was living in NY before 1951 and his last residence was 33458 Jupiter, Palm Beach, FL.  He is buried at the Royal Palm Memorial Gardens at 5601 Greenwood Ave West Palm Beach, FL 33407.   His SS # was 57182753.  His father was Walter Frank McTernan, Sr. and his mother was Jane McGuire.

191. John F. McTernan, 5-4-1920--1-14-2007, bprn in Newark, NJ and enlisted in the US Army on 12-18-1942 and was released on 3-163-1946.  His last residence was 7040 Maplewood, Essex Co., NJ.  John had 2 years of high school and was 5'10" tall, weighing 145 lbs.  His job was foreman in manufacturing.

192. Pvt. Frank McTernan, 1908--, born in the Bronx, NY.  He enlisted in the US Army on 4-1-1944 in
Camp Upton Yaphank, NY.  He had a grammar school education and was married. 

193.  M. McTiernan, merchant seaman on 5-9-1940 Kirkintilloch R749742

194.  Pvt. Francis J McTernan, 1919--, lived in MA and enlisted in Boston on 7-15-1942.  He had a grammar school education and his occupation was unskilled production of beverages.   He was 5'7" tall and weighed 136 lbs.

195.  Pvt. Thomas A, McTernan, 1898--, from Bergan Co., NJ and enlisted on 9-16-1941 in Washington, DC.  He had a grammar school education and his job was skilled for building aircraft.  He was 5'10" tall and 161 lbs.

196.  Thomas F.  McTernan, 3-5-1908--4-29-1995, enlisted in the US Army on 10-2-1944 and was released on 1-13-1946.  His SS # 93079716.   Thomas was living at 2780 Taunton, Bristol, MA before he died.

197.  Pvt. John W. McTernan, 1912--, born in New Haven, CT and enlisted in the US Army on 8-19-1942 in Hartford, CT.  John had 4 years of college and was a
teacher (secondary school) and principal.  He was 5'4" tall weighing 139 lbs.

198. Pvt.  
John V McTernan, 1906--, native to Kings Co., NY.  Enlisted on 7-17-1942 at Fort Jay Governors Island, NY.  John was married and had 2 years of college and was selling real estate.  He was 5'8" tall weighing 157 lbs.

199.  Lt. F. J. McTernan Jr., 1914--, Joined the US Navy on 5-1-1945.

200.  James F.  McTernan, 12-9-1917--2-2-1998, served in the US Armed Forces and lived last at 2132 West Roxbury, Suffolk Co., MA.  His SS # 029-03-5790

201.  Robert Emmett McTernan, 7-16-1920--8-21-2003, born in Jamica Plain, MA and on 10-13-1942, he enlisted in the US Navy or Army and was released on 3-1-1946.  His SS # 014167962.  His father was Francis P McTernan and his mother was Beatrice Morran.  His last residence was 34236 Sarasota, Sarasota, Florida.  Robert is buried in Rose Hill Memorial Park, 580 Elm Street Rocky Hill, CT 06067

202.  Pvt. Charles McTernan, 1925--, born in The Bronx, NY and enlisted on 3-30-1944 in Camp Upton Yaphank, NY.  He had 4 years of high school.

203.  Sgt. James Butler McTernan, 3-14-1915--1972, born in Lasswade, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland and  died in Sutton, London, England. James served with the Gurkhas in Burma and with the Chindits in China. He was a Sergeant, or RSM.  James is part of the T 7 DNA Group.

204.  David McTernan, 1920--2017, was in the US Army during World War II.  David and his brother Francis below are both in the T3a DNA Group.

205.  Francis McTernan, 1916-, was in the US Army during World War II.  Francis and his brother David above are both in the T3a DNA Group.

206.  John McTernan, 1902--1954, of Deer Park, Co Leitrim was a officer in the Local Defense Forces of Ireland during the war years.  The Grandfather of Paul-Aus and therefore in the T DNA Group

207.  Walter McTernan, 1912--1978,  served in the British RAF during WW II.  The Grandfather of Nick and therefore in the T DNA Group

Children removed from the UK to Canada for their protection during WW II

1. Thomas McTernan, 12-13-1926--, place of residence Edinburgh.  Oficial number 3891

Honorable Mention

1. and 2. below connect into the McTernans through [# 2. below] John' Gile's wife, Joy Audry Whillans  as follows: her mother Lillian Alice Marie Woods, her mother Alice Marrie McGovern, 1879--,  Ontario, Canada,  whose father was Felix McGovern, 1833--,  Manorhamilton, Leitrim Co. Ire,  whose father Philip McGovern married  Mary McTiernan, 1812--,  Lower Sweetwood,  Killargue Parish, Leitrim Co. Her father was  Martin McTiernan, she had two brothers  Hames and Hugh

1. Ray J. Gile Jr., --2-24-1943, died when his Halifax bomber was shot down by a night fighter, upon crashing, their bomb load exploded, killing all.   Brother to John below. 

2. John Gile, was a B-29 Navigator in the US Air Force but was saved from bombing in the Pacific theater by the nuclear bombing of Japan.   Brother to Ray above. 

3. Cpl. Jeffrey McTiernan, 8-10-1930--2-9-1955, the step-son of the British citizen by the name of Glyn Roberts.  He lived in Alexandria, VA and Evanston, IL and had a sister also.  Jeffrey was in the US Army from Illinois and buried in The National Cemetery at Arlington, VA

4. Robert Leo McTearnen, 1-9-1929--12-9-1998, in the US Air Force and served in both the Korean War and the Viet Nam War.  Buried at Jefferson Barracks in St. Louis, MO. In the T2 DNA Group

5. The McTernan Street in Cambridge, MA, USA formerly Lake St. right outside of County Boston, named after WW II veteran, William Francis McTernan, -1944 . This is Myles McTernan's family: in the Te DNA Group.  Myles was one of the few survivors of a B-52 crash in the Viet Nam War.

Royal Irish Constabulary Service - RIC   29
Sorted first by year then by county

1. Thomas McTernan, service dates 1816-1873, service ID 13301, Leitrim & Offaly

2. John McTernan, service dates 1855, service ID 19548, Leitrim.

3. Thomas McTernan, service date 1856, service ID 21059,  Leitrim

4. Edward McTiernan, service date 1866, service ID 31590, Leitrim

5. Thomas McTiernan, service dates 1867-1920, service ID 70570, Leitrim

6. Thomas McTernan, service dates 1867-1900, service ID 59378, Leitrim

7.  M. McTiernan, service date 1922, Cork

8. Patrick McTernan, service dates 1867-1870, service ID 36490, Leitrim.

9. Constable John McTernan, service dates 1867-1932, service ID 44765, Leitrim & Roscommon

10. Sergeant Francis McTernan, service dates 1867-1907, service ID 38056, Leitrim & Sligo

11. Michael McTernan, service date 1867, service ID 38669, Sligo

12. Terrence McTernan, service dates 1867-1894, service ID 48366, Sligo & Down

13. Thomas McTernan, service dates 1867-1868, service ID 34064, Sligo

14. Sergeant John McTiernan, 1922

15. Patrick McTiernan. service date 1867-1922, service ID 68785

16. James McTiernan, service date 1867, service ID 48822,

17. Patrick McTiernan, service dates 1879-1887 when he resigned and emigrated to Australia, service ID 45083, the father of Sir Edward McTernan of the Australian High Court fame and in the T3 DNA Group baseline, relating to both Eoghan and Leo McTiernan 

18. Patrick McTiernan, service date 1879, service ID 68821

19. Constable Thomas McTernan, commencement date: 1-20-1880-1891, last service Ferbane, Co Kings and service date 11-20-1880, Parsonstown, Co Kings
20. Sergeant James McTernan, service date 1888, service ID 34031, Sligo & last payment in Drumahaire then in 1903 & 1919 paid in Manorhamilton, Co Leitrim

21. Patrick McTernan, service date 1901, serivice ID 60340, Leitrim.

22. Sergeant John McTiernan, service dates 1902--8-9-1922, service ID 61126, Sligo, and received 195 Pounds per year pension at discharge. Was stationed in Cork and then Dublin Castle Guard in 1922. In the T3 Group baseline being the grandfather of Eoghan MacTiernan

23. Sergeant James McTernan, service dates 1903-1932, service ID 48822, Leitrim & Cork

24. Hugh McTernan, service date 1905

25. John McTiernan, service date 1906, Cork

26. J. McTernan, service date of 1918

27. Constable Patrick McTernan, 1892--5-31-1921, Galway, registered ID 68785

28.  Constable Martin McTernan, service date 1867-1922, service ID 68821, Leitrim, Galway & Kerry.  See below.

29.  Martin McTernan, service dates 1867-1913, service ID 34280, Kerry.  See above

Metropolitan Police   3

1. Patrick McTernan, warrant number 92756. Joined on 26 Dec 1905, and left on 29 April 1914. Last posted to D Division as a PC.

2. John McTernan, warrant number 94681.  Joined on 7-1-1907 and left on 2-1-1924.

3. Michael John McTernan, warrent number 101694.  Joined on 8-26-1912 and left on 8-29-1937.  Last posted to M Division as a Station PS.